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Clinton Cash Linked To Woke Warnock

Seems like the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) is rather appropriately named, given the rising influence of the globalist cadre worldwide.

Unsurprisingly, the CGI has been linked to a number of Democrats that have rapidly risen through the ranks, in particular Democrats who wield strong influence over traditionally conservative states.

One such state includes Georgia, which bizarrely went for Biden in the 2020 election.

Georgia also suffered from a Senate runoff election 2020 as well, wherein none other than Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock triumphed over then-incumbent Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler.

Warnock, who is due to face another runoff election with Herschel Walker in the coming weeks, has certainly benefitted from the Clinton cash machine, given the recent publicity surrounding a grant Warnock received from the CGI.

Specifically, the Clintons awarded a $500,000 grant to Ebenezer Baptist Church, where Warnock happens to serve as a senior pastor.

Unsurprisingly, the grant was more environmental than biblical in nature, as evident by the church’s resulting partnership with BlocPower, Green Faith, the Center for Sustainable Communities and the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance.

That’s right: The $500,000 grant to a single church was apparently earmarked, at least in part, for the Creation Care Education and Energy Stewardship Initiative, which would ostensibly lower carbon emissions and promote “resource stewardship.”

Bill Clinton himself bragged about the woke, globalist initiative, which will focus obsessively on what the Democrats love to obsess over: eliminating everyone else’s energy usage while greedily exploiting the rest for themselves.

Clinton, however, kept the focus on the standard, self-promotional environmental activism that libs love to preach, though not to much practice.

“Through this partnership, BlocPower will conduct a comprehensive energy audit of the church properties, recommending energy savings and solar generation measures. In support of the building upgrades, Ebenezer will also partner with Green Faith to design an educational program emphasizing how congregants can implement energy efficiency at home. This will deliver both environmental and economic benefits to Atlanta residents,” Clinton boomed.

Clinton’s assertions were further validated by an official statement from the CGI, which yammered on about the “challenge of climate change” while its chief executors continue to make free use of private jets.

“The world faces the significant challenge of climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels, and burning of coal is a major contributor to those emissions. Using energy more efficiently, reducing coal use, and increasing renewable energy will help to reduce emissions and mitigate climate change,” the CGI intoned.


Perhaps politicians may eventually opt to use “energy more efficiently” by living in smaller homes and dodging private jet usage.

Or, more simply, by practicing what they preach.

“As people of faith, the principles of stewardship, justice, community of life, and awe inform our call to care for creation. The Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church has a recognized and highly active creation care ministry in which the church works with its many congregants to learn and teach strategies for stewarding resources and caring for God’s creation,” the CGI continued.

Amazing how the Clintons happened to select Warnock’s church out of all the others in Georgia for bestowing a $500,000 grant.

Though it is really not that amazing considering that Warnock has prattled on about the “disproportionate” impacts of climate change on “people of color.”

Al Sharpton, however, certainly hasn’t curtailed his private jet usage, nor has Obama opted to offload any of the massive homes in his suspiciously expensive real estate profile.

One thing is for sure: A CGI grant sure does make the recipients sing for their supper, and Warnock has certainly been singing.

The song and and dance was especially evident in a floor speech in January 2022.

“History is watching us. Our children are counting on us. And I hope that we will have the courage to do what is right for our communities and for our country – the courage to cross this bridge, to do the hard work in this defining moral moment in America for the sake of the communities that sent us here in the first place, for the sake of the planet, for the sake of health care, for the sake of jobs, for the sake of being able to argue for the things that we care about. The courage to fight for one another,” Warnock brayed.

To fight for everyone, aside from half the nation, apparently, given that the Biden administration has no issue demonizing conservatives and the Clintons have no issue denouncing “deplorables.”

Warnock continued the song and dance during a debate on October 16, 2022, right before the midterm elections.

“I believe that a vote is a kind of prayer for the world that we desire for ourselves and for our children,” Warnock intoned.

The world voters desire? Or the world globalists desire?

Hint: Check Warnock’s voting record …

Author: Jane Jones

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