Of all the DEI Democrats out there today, Chicago Mayor “Brandon” Johnson is perhaps one of the most clueless of all.
Either that, or he needs drastic improvement in his rambling communication skills, given that he answers questions about as directly as Comrade Kamala – which means he doesn’t answer questions at all – while simultaneously ranting and raving about Trump.
In other words, Johnson appears incapable of any sort of coherent thought, much less coherent self-expression.
Which means that he now comes across as one of the most defiant mayors of all, notably in terms of the imminent mass deportations.
Truly not the most advisable position in the world to take, yet that’s what he’s done.
In a stunning interview with A. Martínez of NPR, Johnson made it abundantly clear that he will be doing everything in his power to undermine the incoming Trump administration.
Including, apparently, outright defiance of federal authorities by banning government employees from “consenting” to their requests.
Since when does any city employee have the opportunity to refuse “consent” to the feds?
Apparently, since a DEI Democrat mayor – who openly embraces mass illegal migration – has come to town.
Johnson is likely aware that the illegal migrants are even more out to lunch than he is, so it’s no wonder he spends all his political energy on non-American citizens and unlawful residents.
“Now, how is Chicago then preparing for the possibility that mass deportation raids could begin as soon as today?” Martínez asked.
Johnson answered this question perhaps the most clearly, given that he insisted he would not provide any assistance to any “federal agents.”
Nor will his “sister agencies.”
“As a welcoming city and as a sanctuary city, we are firm in that our police department will not intervene or participate in any way as federal agents. None of our sister agencies or our city departments will cooperate or intervene in any way or any shape or any form,” Johnson arrogantly declared.
Imagine the arrogance a DEI Democrat must have to think they can overpower the feds while serving in a local political position.
But that’s the magic of DEI: It makes certain characters believe they are invincible.
“But can you stop Immigration and Customs Enforcement?” Martínez pressed, attempting to keep the interview somewhat focused.
Alas, Johnson derailed his own train from this question onwards.
“If they come in with warrants, if they come in with their authority – no, we won’t intervene or support in any way. But what I can say is that we have worked with community-based organizations as well as other stakeholders, so that the people of Chicago know their rights. And that’s the part that’s most important here,” Johnson boomed.
So, illegal migrants are now “the people of Chicago?” That’s nice.
Scores of hardworking, high tax-paying Chicagoans should be thrilled with that assessment … perhaps almost as thrilled as their equally beleaguered counterparts in New York City.
“People can continue to go to work, they can go to school, they can use our public facilities without the fear of local police departments giving access to these federal agents to disrupt the flow and what we’re doing in Chicago,” Johnson continued to ramble.
Right. In other words, Johnson is rambling a bunch of overly rehearsed talking points, in a lame attempt to avoid answering actual questions.
Johnson also astonishingly declared that government employees are apparently not allowed to “consent” to the entry of ICE into “private or sensitive locations.”
“What are private and sensitive locations?” Martínez responded.
Johnson didn’t bother to answer this question at all.
“We know that many of our new arrivals and undocumented families rely upon the faith community and other community-based organizations. They seek health care. They seek access to childcare. We’re assuring the people of this city that we’re going to protect their rights. And that’s what I’ve been charged to do as mayor of Chicago,” Johnson declared.
So, illegal migrants seeking a bunch of freebies. Your point, Mr. Johnson?
“And that includes education rights. As the president has made it very clear, he doesn’t believe in public accommodations. He wants to shut down the Department of Education. He doesn’t believe in climate change. All rights that the people of Chicago deserve, as mayor of the city of Chicago, I’m going to protect those,” Johnson continued to rant.
Ah. So now it’s gone from defending the so called “people of Chicago” – otherwise known as illegals to more sensible people – to ranting and raving about Trump.
How sadly predictable.
And Johnson made it clear that he could care less if migrants even pretend to seek asylum or not – everyone “undocumented” is welcomed by him.
“Whether you’re undocumented, whether you are seeking asylum or whether you’re seeking a good paying job, we’re going to fight and stand up for working people. That’s what Chicago is known for. We’re going to continue to do that regardless of who’s in the White House,” Johnson boomed.
Yet again totally avoiding the question.
At this point, Martínez becomes a bit frustrated.
“Does that mean you would try to stop ICE by not consenting? Is that fair to interpret?” Martínez pressed, clearly trying to maintain patience with the DEI Dem.
“The law that we have passed in Chicago, our welcoming city ordinance, as well as Illinois Trust Act, gives us the authority to ensure that in sensitive places and public accommodations, that there are rights that these individuals have. We’re going to make sure we protect those rights,” Johnson brayed.
Right. Once again, evading the question – and, once again, showing why the Democrats campaigned more effectively for Trump than anyone else.
A closer look at Johnson’s comments also reveals several other unanswered questions for the DEI mayor.
For instance: Pray tell, Mr. Johnson, exactly what will you say when one of your beloved – and “undocumented” – migrants commits mass murder? Blame Trump?
Knowing him, in particular his quite limited intellectual capability, it is highly likely.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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