Seems like Trump was right about more than one thing and continues to be more than right about one thing.
Including the real origins of COVID.
Trump long accused the virus of being the product of a Chinese lab. Predictably, the mainstream media blasted such a claim as “racist.”
Now, it seems that Trump’s so-called “racist” claims about COVID are being verified by none other than Fauci’s minions.
Minions who shut down Dr. Robert Redfield, who had long expressed concerns about the origins of COVID. Chiefly the origins from a Chinese lab, funded in part by US taxpayer dollars under Obama.
Redfield was also a former chief of the CDC, and he became “the key witness” in a congressional committee hearing regarding the origins of the virus.
“It was told to me that they wanted a single narrative, and that I obviously had a different point of view. Science has debate and they squashed any debate,” Redfield testified.
As reported by Fox News, Redfield’s beliefs were “widely dismissed by the media and other prominent health officials.”
Now, Dr. Deborah Birx, a former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under Donald Trump and a clear colleague of Dr. Fauci, has also admitted that the lab leak theory was covered up during an appearance on CNN.
“I think early on, people did take very definitive sides, and it did divide along party lines, and we’re still suffering from that four years later,” Birx admitted.
Well, how about that. Many conservatives were aware of that back in 2020.
“I do think it happened. If you look at what people said about Bob Redfield and how they disparaged him as a scientist because he wanted to bring forward the lab leak potential,” Birx continued.
He also wanted the freedom to express himself, which is not tolerated in the Dems’ totalitarian regime.
“And I think the reason he felt he [Redfield] needed to bring it forward to push, was to push against this, ‘it had to be this way.’ Because we didn‘t know, and we knew we would never know. I mean, we knew as SARS that China was not transparent,” Birx continued.
Of course they weren’t. Precisely why “the Big Guy” did business with them.
“We knew with the second SARS, China was not transparent, so we were not going to get an answer, but that shouldn‘t have held us back 4.5 years later from both ensuring that we protect against lab leaks and we protect that public,” Birx added.
Gee, you don’t say. Precisely why was the same terrible practice continued with COVID?
“And so, we have to put different rules and regulations and guidelines in place to protect the public. We can do that. We‘ve done that before,” Birx continued.
Well, it’s a real shame that the media was too busy to “get Trump” than deal with China during COVID. As Trump would say – Sad!
Author: Jane Jones

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