Nothing like a new report to reveal the myriad ways in which the Biden regime is bamboozling the United States with its multiple millions of deliberately encouraged illegal migrants.
Per Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) documents, at last 5.7 million “non-detained” migrants are residing in the United States right now.
How comforting.
Even less comforting is the fact that “a large portion of the 5.7 million individuals on the current non-detained docket” is apparently benefitting, quite handsomely, from American taxpayers’ figurative blood, sweat, and tears.
Release and Reporting Management (RRM), which gives, “at a minimum” taxpayer-funded services to the “migrants,” including the following: “referrals or direct services, covering at a minimum: legal assistance; psychosocial services; therapeutic services; medical services; food and clothing banks; housing; public transportation information; parental information; education information; and repatriation and reintegration services.”
The migrants, meanwhile, do nothing to earn these benefits; in fact, they don’t even have to pretend to speak English or even pretend to care.
Must be nice to be guaranteed medical services as an illegal migrant, especially when hardworking Americans pay through the nose for what migrants receive for free.
More ridiculously, Biden’s version of ICE prattles on and on about how important all the freebies are for supposedly assimilating migrants to society.
“These services are designed to increase participant compliance with immigration obligations through information, stabilization, and support … Services will be individualized to each participant’s needs and may range from basic referrals to intensive direct assistance,” ICE insisted.
Needless to say, the reported 5.7 million is a 2.4 million increase since Trump’s administration.
Thereby magnifying the chances of terrorists entering the nation, undoubtedly prepping for their own Hamas-style attack.
“We have no idea how many Hamas members or other radical Muslims have entered the United States among the more than 1.5 million illegal alien ‘gotaways’ who have crossed the border during Joe Biden’s tenure …
Between October 2021 and this month, agents arrested 659 illegal aliens from Iran, 538 from Syria, 164 from Lebanon, 185 from Jordan, 123 from Iraq, 1,613 from Pakistan, 6,386 from Afghanistan, and 3,153 from Egypt,” The Blaze reported.
Well, that’s comforting. Basically, thousands upon thousands of migrants that could easily be radicalized, at any time, especially when accounting for the ways in which Big Tech will aid and abet leftist “causes,” like promoting terrorism.
And, given the obvious welfare state that Biden is desperate to implement, all the potential terrorists are likely enjoying American taxpayer-funded benefits in the meantime.
Biden’s America …
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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