In case anyone was wondering why Obama drew public attention to Biden’s on-stage freeze, specifically when Obama led Biden by the hand off-stage, wonder no further.
As Obama may well be part of a rather scurrilous plot to dethrone Biden, alongside Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, and other high-ranking Democrats.
After all, Biden’s repeated, highly global gaffes have hardly inspired confidence, which is precisely why Dems are reportedly working behind the scenes now for a potential replacement.
One that would ostensibly have a chance against Trump.
“Strategists theorize that Democrats would have to hold a public event to symbolically transfer power to the new candidate. Biden, Obama, Clinton, Schumer, and Pelosi would publicly introduce and endorse the anointed nominee,” the Daily Mail reported.
Better pay the “Big Guy” big bucks for agreeing to that one. As it’s highly unlikely he will resign from his extremely lucrative position otherwise.
Especially if the Chinese “invested” in eight years, rather than four years, of Biden’s leadership … namely leading America straight into the ground.
“Dropping out would be a big risk. But there’s some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk. Are we there yet? I don’t know. But it’s more than fair to ask,” polling guru Nate Silver remarked.
Of course it’s “more than fair to ask.”
Heck, Obama himself has now drawn attention to bungling Biden, which means he is clearly reflecting upon another minion to serve his fourth term.
Humorously, White House spokesperson Andrew Bates claimed that the image of Biden freezing on stage was little more than a “cheap fake memo,” though the same White House also claimed Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation.”
Indeed, increasing numbers of individuals, including liberal individuals, have expressed grave displeasure at the thought of Biden losing to Trump, on an enormous scale.
According to Atlantic columnist Mark Leibovich, hardly known for his conservative views, Biden is effectively “Ruth Bader Biden.”
In an even more obvious depiction of Obama’s creepy collusion, Former Clinton advisor and polling expert Mark Penn believes that the forthcoming CNN debate will be Biden’s de facto last chance to illustrate that he is fit to lead.
“They have deliberately thrown down the gauntlet for an early debate … and I think that’s gonna be the point at which Americans judge: is he ready for another term or not?” Penn.
Quite clearly not. He wasn’t even ready for his first term, never mind a second.
Though apparently the “Big Guy” won’t go quietly, unless he is forced out by the power-hungry Democrat quartet of chaos.
“The only people who could force him out would be Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. It would have to be the four of them collectively,” a Democrat strategist informed the Daily Mail.
One thing is for certain: CNN will no doubt pull out all the stops to make sure their chosen one appears like he has a clue, which more than one sage commenter has noted.
“So their hope is that if Biden is able to appear remotely sentient during the debate, he will win the election? My vote will be based on his performance over his entire Presidency, not if he is able to make it [through] a [90-minute] debate. With that said, I believe CNN will do everything they can to prop him up during the debate,” one individual remarked.
Although sensible voters won’t make their decisions on a 90-minue biased debate … but rather upon the respective performances of each leader.
Needless to say, Trump’s record absolutely trumps Biden’s … in more ways than one.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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