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Pro-Open Borders Dems Blast “Obscene” Biden Response

Years ago, Obama warned the Democrats against forming a “circular firing squad,” especially as the so-called “Squad” began to gain more power in Congress.

“One of the things I do worry about sometimes among progressives in the United States … maybe it’s true here as well, is a certain kind of rigidity where we say, ‘Uh, I’m sorry, this is how it’s going to be’ and then we start sometimes creating what’s called a ‘circular firing squad’, where you start shooting at your allies because one of them has strayed from purity on the issues … And when that happens, typically the overall effort and movement weakens,” Obama boomed.

Alas, courtesy of defiant sanctuary cities, and their ultra-progressive defenders, the so-called “circular firing squad” continues.

And that squad includes woke New York City Dems raging about the fact that the sanctuary city has “only” received $50M from the swamp to deal with illegals.

Per the woke Dems, receiving only $50M for a crisis directly, and exclusively, created by the left is apparently “obscene.”

Democrat Councilman Justin Brannan ranted and raved about how “obscene” it is that Dems don’t receive more money for growing sanctuary cities at an even greater rate.

“Financing an international migrant crisis should have never been the sole responsibility of a municipality, yet here we are … The fact that we’ve barely received $50 million in aid from DC is obscene,” Brannan raged.

Frankly, the fact that federal taxpayer dollars, paid by conservatives in red states, are going to a woke, sanctuary city mess is far more “obscene,” Mr. Brannan.

City Budget Director Jacques Jiha, clearly another DEI pick, also ranted and raved over the federal government not doing more to fix a sanctuary city mess.

“We need more help from the state and federal government to cover these expenses,” Jiha whined, “we have to bring down the population otherwise we will have to find a new source of funding to keep this going.”

Newsflash, Jiha – Since when do Dems “have” to keep a so-called sanctuary city going, especially as the New York governor just deployed 1,000+ state officials, including 750 National Guardsmen, to try to keep crime rates from spiraling out of control on the subways? Are the Dems that hard up for future generations of voters?

Apparently, they are!

Humorously, the federal government has long been doing what it does best – babbling away about so-called interest in defending the security of the nation, only to do the exact reverse.

Just consider Biden’s most recent babbling on border states.

“They desperately need more resources, they need more agents, more officers, more judges, more equipment in order to secure our border. Folks, it’s time for us to move on this, we can’t wait any longer,” Biden babbled.

Funny. Trump has been saying that since before he was elected … the first time.

As for the “desperately” needed resources for border states?

Biden apparently decided it was a good idea for the DHS to spend $3M to defend the indefensible Mayorkas from long overdue impeachment charges.

That $3M could have been spent to employ 70 new Border Patrol officers, assuming an annual salary of $42,000.

Another spectacular use of taxpayer funds.

Kyle Brosnan, Chief Counsel for the Oversight Project, informed The New York Post that the amount received by Mayorkas’s attorneys is absurd, especially as it comes straight from the taxpayers.

“The American people’s House of Representatives impeached Secretary Mayorkas. It is completely gross that the taxpayers are now simultaneously funding millions of dollars to a sophisticated and hard left law firm to fight against their wishes … Why are the American people paying for lawyers to fight them?” Brosnan remarked in disgust.


Now if anything is “obscene,” that is.

Author: Jane Jones

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