Looks like the recent Civil War film may have been a harbinger of things to come, at least per one seriously ticked off Texan.
Per a report from the Daily Mail, Daniel Miller, the leader of the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM), has just about had it with Biden’s open borders, which have disproportionately affected the state of Texas.
Miller appeared on the appropriately titled “The Need To Secede” podcast with Dr. Phil, alongside New Hampshire secessionist Carla Gericke and Dan Golvach, a Texan whose son was murdered by an illegal migrant.
While Miller was grateful to Dr. Phil for offering him a forum, he also did not approve of Dr. Phil’s apparent detachment from the political reality felt by many.
“The chances of seceding successfully – with a functional government infrastructure, medical, and education facilities – to me is just beyond belief,” Dr. Phil mused.
Well, not necessarily. Especially as Texas has the land, people, infrastructure, and, above all, values necessary for thriving on its own.
Heck, by becoming its own nation, Texas would be able to call its own shots with regards to border control … and likely would not allow in a flood of Californians angling to turn the state blue.
For this reason, Miller blasted the dismissal of Dr. Phil as “unrealistic, perhaps delusional, but also very dangerous.”
“We’re suffering at the border, we’re suffering at the grocery store … Texans need practical solutions that address the differences and work toward realistic and achievable goals,” Miller declared, “[yet] his solution was for 400 million Americans to wake up tomorrow morning and set aside their differences and work together harmoniously.”
Definitely won’t be happening anytime soon, especially when over half the nation apparently doesn’t bother to work anyway.
At least not work in any remotely legal job, taking cues from their Democrat masters.
Miller also noted that such harmonious expectations are little more than a “recipe for disaster.”
“One of two things happens … It either blows up or it invites an autocratic reign from some tyrannical government. That’s the danger in thinking that ‘one day, everyone’s going to wake up and link pinkies and sing Kumbaya,” Miller intoned.
That’s right.
A great example of that is Google’s public-facing “do no evil” mission … while it colludes with the CIA and other alphabet agencies behind the scenes to wreak all kinds of havoc on all kinds of people’s lives.
Little wonder that Texans, along with many others, are growing increasingly agitated by the elitists’ disregard of the people.
Earlier in the year, when Texas Governor Greg Abbott, alongside many other Republicans, faced off with the Biden administration over illegal migrants streaming across the border at Eagle’s Pass, Miller increasingly realized the real potential the state has to survive and thrive on its own.
“It validates and confirms the position we’ve had all along, which is that if Texas ever wants to truly secure its border … the only way we’re going to do it is as an independent and self-governing nation,” Miller noted.
It’s funny Miller says that. As many of the original Founding Fathers felt similarly about their own tyricannnical government before fleeing to establish the United States.
One can only imagine how the same Founding Fathers might feel now … and with whose side they are most likely to align.
Author: Jane Jones

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