Within months of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a highly controversial piece of legislation was passed with a high degree of bipartisan support.
The Act – the Patriot Act – did not attract as substantial of interest from Americans as it normally should have in the wake of the devastating attacks, not to mention the wars to follow.
However, as the years have passed, the implications of the Patriot Act have become clearer and clearer, in particular the implications that violate civil liberties and freedoms … for law-abiding American citizens.
In particularly law-abiding American citizens who like to remind Dems and other political elites when they are breaking the law.
Dems and their fellow globalists don’t like that very much. Which is precisely why those who dare to dissent, however rightful the dissent may be, are blasted as potential terrorists.
And, by labeling a group as potential “extremists,” even parents who dare to question transgender ideology, it is quite clear how rapidly the government may spiral out of control in its surveillance efforts.
Including the creation of various groups, which are supposedly justified due to their abilty to root out potential terrorists and other extremists.
“As we told you after the passing of the Patriot Act, be careful, because terrorism can be ‘one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist.”
Glenn Beck’s chilling warning is more relevant than ever, especially with the looming 2024 presidential elections.
Beck was referring specifically to one of these dangerous groups, namely the so-called “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group.”
This group was a secretive group within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that was designed to broaden the already invasive scope of the government’s surveillance against its own citizens.
However, the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group went even a step further, as one of its chief objectives was to encourage Americans to effectively “rat out” other Americans who pose an ostensible threat to national security.
In other words, the group was designed, in large part, to make people afraid of their own neighbors … in true communist fashion.
As reported by The Blaze, American First Legal filed a lawsuit against the group months ago, declaring “that the group was stacked with Democratic partisans and violated the federal advisory committee act due to its lack of balance.”
And while the “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group” has allegedly been disbanded since the America Legal First lawsuit was commenced, it has likely surfaced in other forms, which Beck also warns about.
“I just want you to know, they don’t stop these things. They rename them. They break them up, and they do them in other ways,” Beck said ominously.
Basically, the government, via social media companies and other Big Tech giants, alongside good old-fashioned in-person surveillance, has steadily created a massive dragnet that can ensnare literally anyone for daring to hold the wrong views … or being linked to someone who does.
Needless to say, all of that runs contrary to the “democracy” that Dems love to prattle on about.
“You can’t say you are a lover of our democracy, and you’re trying to save democracy, and put a secret council together that is encouraging people to look at political dissent and report on those people so the government can do something,” Beck remarked.
No, you most certainly cannot. Especially with Chinese-style secret councils.
“If I see somebody that is breaking the law and I think they’re doing something that looks like it might be terroristic in nature, yeah, I will call the police … but I’m not snooping and spying on my neighbors,” Beck added.
Well, that would be because people like Beck value freedom.
People like Biden, Obama, and their nefarious globalist commie comrades?
Not so much …
Author: Jane Jones

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