Looks like the White House isn’t even bothering to shed its Orwellian reputation anymore.
Considering that White House officials were just busted openly doctoring the transcript of Biden’s de facto hate speech against Trump supporters.
“White House press officials altered the official transcript of a call in which President Joe Biden appeared to take a swipe at supporters of Donald Trump, drawing objections from the federal workers who document such remarks for posterity, according to two U.S. government officials and an internal email obtained Thursday by The Associated Press,” AP News reported.
Quite well-warranted objections, considering how open Biden was regarding his antipathy towards Trump supporters … who he recently, and very publicly, blasted as “garbage.”
“The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters — his — his demonization of Latinos is unconscionable, and it’s un-American,” Biden blared to Latino activists.
Well then.
That surely tops the perpetually angry Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” remark.
And, despite the widespread publicity surrounding Biden’s remarks, the White House apparently thought it could get away with quietly doctoring the transcript.
Specifically, the transcript was altered to read “supporter’s,” rather than “supporters,” as if Biden was blasting a grand total of one Trump supporter.
When, in reality, he disparages them all.
Apparently, the change to the transcript was made following the press office’s apparent “[conferral] with the president,” or, more accurately, the president’s puppet master, much to the ire of a federal supervisor.
The supervisor blasted the edited transcript as a clear “breach of protocol and spoliation of transcript integrity between the Stenography and Press Offices.”
“If there is a difference in interpretation, the Press Office may choose to withhold the transcript but cannot edit it independently … Our Stenography Office transcript – a released to our distro, which includes the National Archives – is now different than the version edited and released to the public by Press Office staff,” the supervisor asserted.
In other words, the White House isn’t even bothering to hide its 1984-style intentions anymore.
After all, the likes of Soros have “invested” enough in an Orwellian state … in which Marxist billionaires are the real kingmakers.
“Regardless of urgency, it is essential to our transcripts’ authenticity and legitimacy that we adhere to consistent protocol for requesting edits, approval, and release,” the supervisor added.
As if the current White House cares a whit about “authenticity” or “legitimacy.”
Frankly, the rather pitiable “editing” on behalf of the Soros-controlled White House is even more useless when considering the fact that Biden continued to spout nonsense during a recent appearance in Pennsylvania.
“There’s one more thing Trump and his Republican friends want to do. They want to have a giant tax cut for the wealthy,” Biden brayed.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Says the president bought and paid for by foreign billionaires.
Then, in a rather hilarious, albeit ill-advised, move, Biden suggested that Trump should face “a smack in the ass.”
“Now, I know some of you guys are tempted to think it’s macho guys … I tell you what, man, when I was in Scranton, we used to have a little trouble going down the plot once in a while. These are the kind of guys you’d like to smack in the ass,” Biden boomed.
So much for toning down the violent rhetoric.
In particular rhetoric that aims to inspire political riots.
Author: Jane Jones

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