Apparently, aspiring gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, who loves Georgia so much she calls it the “worst state to live in,” is angling to compete with Charlie Crist in terms of incompetence.
Crist, who is running a useless campaign against DeSantis, thought it would be a great idea to start his campaign by telling DeSantis voters not to vote for him.
The DeSantis voters complied.
Abrams, however, has decided to amp incompetence up a notch, chiefly by challenging science that has literally been decades in the establishment.
Bet she promoted COVID vaccines shamelessly, however.
“There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks. It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman’s body in place of her,” Abrams brayed.
So, in other words, Abrams is effectively challenging decades of science and observation, all in favor of some mass conspiracy regarding males’ control?
Isn’t Ms. Abrams aware of the fact that most of the world does not experience freedom like the United States, which means there would be no need to justify a six-week heartbeat anyway, in the way she’s describing it.
Anyway, if Abrams thinks that’s going to result in more votes swinging her direction, she may be quite mistaken.
Conservative columnist Stephen L. Miller was aghast at Abrams’s remarks, summing them up as effectively beyond the pale.
“Stacey Abrams is pushing a theory here that ultrasound machines, used in hospitals now all over the world, were designed by a cabal of men, to manufacture a sound beat on purpose, in order to convince women to keep unwanted pregnancies. This is beyond QAnon s***,” Miller said in disbelief.
Daily Wire host Ben Shapiro also weighed in.
“She’s not only an election denier,” Shapiro remarked, “she’s a science and life denier,”
Sean Davis at The Federalist had a terse, direct assessment.
“She’s a BlueAnon nutjob who belongs in an insane asylum,” Davis declared.
Meghan McCain also roasted Abrams’s remarks as “very sick.”
“Hearing my baby’s heartbeats at six weeks is hands down one of the most exciting, liberating and most beautiful moments of my entire life. Hands down,” McCain asserted, “Stacey Abrams is a very sick person to say this and somehow accuse doctors of faking fetal heartbeats. Full stop.”
Exactly right.
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger also shredded Abrams’s constant fixation on stolen elections, even after the media has mercilessly judged Trump for the same assertions.
The difference, however, is that Trump had more of a justification.
“Her 3-year ‘stolen election’ campaign has been nothing more than a political stunt to keep her in the national spotlight, and it’s a disservice to Georgia voters,” Raffensperger remarked coolly.
“Fox Across America” radio host and comedian Jimmy Failla really roasted Abrams, calling out her highly divisive tactics for exactly what they are.
“She knows she’s not going to win, and she doesn’t want to govern. She can’t be relevant without playing a professional victim. That has been the grift of Stacey Abrams this whole time,” Failla asserted.
“Grift.” Utterly excellent word choice.
“She has made so much money going out there and saying it was stolen, the vote was suppressed, never mind how mad people have gotten at President Trump for challenging Georgia. Stacey Abrams lost by five times as many votes in Georgia as Donald Trump did, and we’ve tolerated her introducing herself as the rightful governor of Georgia. She’s never conceded,” Failla continued.
Yet she no doubt harshly rebukes Trump for not conceding either.
Then Failla zinged Abrams with his best retort yet.
“Stacey Abrams is a clown, and she should just go back to writing romance novels,” Failla laughed.
Seriously … at least in the romance realm, she’s poised to cause less damage than she does in politics.
Author: Jane Jones

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