“The United States has an obligation to uphold its own laws and to respect human rights globally. Amidst the Israeli gov’s siege on Gaza, blocking humanitarian aid, and threats on Rafah, withholding US military aid is a major development towards ceasefire.”
So brayed AOC recently on Twitter, openly challenging a nation’s right to defend itself following the worst massacre of Jewish individuals since World War II.
And AOC is surely cackling now, considering that bungling Biden has now done exactly what she expects.
“Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs,” Biden lamely justified.
Is that so? Because plenty of “civilians” are being killed from all the wars that Biden has supported for nearly fifty years.
When it was politically convenient, of course.
If only the White House followed the lead of the NYPD.
Indeed, the NYPD has long been less than impressed with Ms. AOC, who apparently feels it is her sacred calling to issue defense after defense of the indefensible.
Indeed, AOC, who has long since been known for spreading total disinformation, if not open lies, has openly criticized a university for finally allowing police on campus to deal with a bunch of brats effectively identifying as terrorists.
Students had been endlessly warned that they could not disrupt campus operations, yet they continued to do so anyway.
The school finally got a clue and contacted the NYPD for help.
After all, the elite institution is probably going to face lawsuits from students demanding back part of the $90,000 annual tuition.
And what does AOC do? Promptly freak out and defend the wannabe terrorists.
Taking to social media, AOC raged that the elite university had apparently made “the horrific decision to mobilize NYPD on their own students.”
That’s an interesting assessment, considering the fact that the so-called “students” are launching a massive mobilization effort against Jewish students, not to mention the broader Jewish community.
NYPD Chief John Chell was not impressed with AOC’s defense.
“Good SAT scores and self-entitlement do not supersede the law,” Chell remarked flatly.
That’s a rather generous assessment of the situation. While “self-entitlement” is absolutely on point, “good SAT scores” seem unlikely with this crowd.
More like the ability to check off multiple DEI boxes.
Chell then effectively addressed AOC directly with his next remark.”
“Columbia decided to hold its students accountable to the laws of the school,” Chell continued, “I am sure you would agree that we have to teach them these valuable life skills.”
More like AOC would agree that it’s critical for today’s “students” to become even more virulent versions of herself.
Overall, the NYPD, not to mention the general public, have to be getting sick of the total lack of discipline and chaos unfolding across multiple “elite” university campuses today.
Indeed, the so-called “solidarity camps” for Gaza appear to be little more than pro-terrorist propaganda camps on campus.
Especially when accounting for the fact that the “students” are declaring their self-identification with Hamas.
An absolutely outrageous self-identification, given the fact that Hamas proudly launched the worst attack on Jewish individuals since World War II on October 7.
With that in mind, the students’ proclaimed self-identification with Hamas is truly insane.
After all, imagine if hordes of students set up “Taliban solidarity camps” right after 9/11, hassling all the victims of 9/11/01 who strolled by … Then again, Generation Z apparently considers Osama bin Laden to be some type of bizarre “freedom fighter,” thanks to their social media addiction coupled with their propensity to believe social media videos laden with propaganda and falsehoods.
So, perhaps the little Generation Z militants may have set up such camps after all, given their misguided disgust with the United States today.
In the meantime, the NYPD has its hands full with pro-Hamas, ultra-antisemitic camps … and the “Squad” who support them.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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