Looks like one of the latest White House environmental strategies may well be to plunge us all back into the Ice Age.
Which is why “New Green Deal” activists have suddenly become a whole lot more terrifying.
Granted, they have always been terrifying in a sense, especially given their apparently carte blanche access to the government, much of which is funded by sinister, Soros-backed sources.
After all, not only are gas-powered cars the target of environmentalists’’ ire, but also a broad array of basic kitchen appliances.
Of course, the same environmentalists have zero qualms about traveling in private jets while determining how the rest of the world should live, as evidenced by John Kerry, Pete Buttigieg, multiple Hollywood celebrities, and a host of other self-proclaimed environmentalists utilizing private jets for routine transportation.
While the intense political polarization increased legislative regulations are difficult enough to tolerate from militant environmentalists, especially when coupled with the transgender movement occurring simultaneously (wonder why …), the situation goes from irritating and potentially dangerous to frightening and potentially deadly.
And that situational shift has just occurred with the release of a report that the White House is touting as a potential “solution” to global warming.
The title of the report is rather disturbing, to say the least: “Congressionally Mandated Research Plan and an Initial Research Governance Framework Related to Solar Radiation Modification.”
The report, commissioned by Congress and apparently gleefully lapped up by the Biden administration, details all the ways in which the White House may attempt to defy forces far greater than itself by trying to block the sun from reaching the earth.
That’s right: The White House is actually looking into ways to block the sun from reaching the earth.
Hence the phrase “Solar Radiation Modification” in the report title.
Given the deleterious state of railroad, airport, and general transportation safety under the present federal government, one can only imagine all the various ways in which their attempts to control the sunlight may go wrong.
“The Biden-Harris Administration strongly affirms that climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing the world, particularly those countries and communities most vulnerable to its adverse effects. Immediate, sustained, and effective reductions of global greenhouse gas emissions are required to slow the pace of climate change and reduce the risk of crossing critical and potentially catastrophic thresholds in the global climate system. These reductions must occur while robust adaptation is accelerated and while capabilities in effective and responsible carbon dioxide removal, such as direct air capture and permanent sequestration, are pursued vigorously,” the report proclaims.
Yet somehow Air Force One and other private jets used by Biden officials magically do not spew carbon emissions far more than any American ever does, likely over the course of their entire lifetime.
Furthermore, the report’s reference to “vigorously” pursuing other capabilities is frightening, especially when it becomes clear what those capabilities are.
“The Administration also recognizes that there is growing interest and investment in research on actions that, together with mitigation measures, could limit temperature increase and thereby help address the risks of climate change, including potential tipping points and overshoot scenarios. For example, academia, philanthropy, and the private sector have examined preliminary applications of climate intervention techniques, such as stratospheric aerosol injection and marine cloud brightening (techniques categorized as ‘solar radiation modification,’ hereafter SRM), intended to rapidly limit temperature increase,” the report blares.
Oh, that’s nice. Just shoot up the clouds with a bunch of aerosol injections. Totally normal behavior for reducing temperature.
And what’s to prevent a sudden freeze of the entire planet in such circumstances? Rather grand experiment with billions of lives potentially lost, no?
“Alongside the potential benefits of such actions, serious concerns have been raised about the potential outcomes of SRM. These unknowns, and the ever-evolving understanding of complex Earth systems, provide a compelling case for research to better understand both the potential benefits and risks,” the report tersely adds.
“Serious concerns.” Ya think?
Something suggests that attempting to defy divinity will come with far greater risks than benefits.
Furthermore, imagine the level of arrogance it takes for Biden-funded scientists to believe they are truly capable of grasping and knowing all the unknowns.
The most renowned Greek philosophers had the sense to admit they knew less and less with the more and more they knew.
Lo and behold, the disturbing report is the product of yet another Biden bill rammed through the legislature, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022, which apparently allows for varied federal entities to evaluate “solar and other rapid climate interventions.”
It appears that efforts to defy divine forces constitute “other rapid climate interventions,” albeit deeply disturbing interventions that illustrate a total lack of respect for forces that supersede the relatively diminutive force of humanity, especially against the entirety of creation, both on earth and in the universe.
Alas, this world is presently dominated by elitists who consider themselves de facto demigods.
Perhaps they are building bunkers not only for nuclear fallout from wars they started, but also for any fallout from the devastating impacts of “Solar Radiation Modification.”
At least some commenters provided comic relief.
“Democrats install solar panels then block the sun. Sounds about right,” one Daily Mail reader remarked wryly.
Author: Jane Jones

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