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Biden Hilariously Blames Obama For Perpetual Fiasco With Putin

Somewhere in Hawaii or Martha’s Vineyard, or other deeply expensive location, Obama is likely blowing a fuse over Biden’s reported remarks on Russia.

According to a report from the Daily Wire, journalist Bob Woodward has detailed the ways in which Biden has hilariously blamed Obama for the current crisis in Ukraine, based upon reported firsthand observations.

“They f***ed up in 2014 … That’s why we are here. We f***ed it up. Barack never took Putin seriously,” Biden ranted.

How refreshingly hilarious.

Nice to know that Biden has somewhat of a grasp on reality behind closed doors, considering that he privately blames Obama … rather than Trump.

Though Biden, as usual, got a little ahead of himself.

“We did nothing. We gave Putin a license to continue! Well, I’m revoking his f***ing license!” Biden ranted.

Hm. Well, Putin seems to operate just fine without a “license” from the Dems, though he did exhibit much more restraint when Trump was in power.

The New York Post also sheds additional insight into Woodward’s thrilling book, with Biden apparently griping, “Barack never took Putin seriously.”

Though the same could be said for Biden’s own failure to take his family’s crimes seriously.

In particular Hunter, who was charged with multiple real felonies, alongside multiple misdemeanor charges related to taxes.

During the midterm elections, Hunter was apparently freaking out, claiming that he supposedly had the most to lose if Republicans prevailed.

Which, of course, they did … especially in the House.

“Hunter rambled on about his personal crisis … President Biden leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes and sighed,” Woodward details.

“This is never going to f—king go away,” Biden reportedly whined.

You don’t say.

As reported by AP News, it seems that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was a tad less distracted than Biden, which is precisely why he communicated more effectively than the so-called “Supreme Commander” in varied dealings with Russia.

In a conversation that reportedly occurred between Austin and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Shoigu, the former surely did a more convincing job than bungling Biden in warning the Russians off from their apparent desire to use nuclear weapons.

“We know you are contemplating the use of tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Any use of nuclear weapons on any scale against anybody would be seen by the United States and the world as a world-changing event. There is no scale of nuclear weapons that we could overlook or that the world could overlook,” Austin ominously intoned.

“I don’t take kindly to being threatened,” Shogui responded angrily.

“Mr. Minister … I am the leader of the most powerful military in the history of the world. I don’t make threats,” Austin remarked coolly.

Too bad the military is more bent on DEI than the defeat of the enemy … which somewhat undermines the “most powerful” status of the military.

Author: Jane Jones

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