During a recent appearance on Fox News, Texas Senator Ted Cruz blasted the Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act as “a massive power grab.”
The Republican also noted that he was amazed by the Democrat Party’s vigilance with regards to obfuscating any amendments proposed by the GOP.
“This is a massive power grab,” Cruz mused, “and I’ve got to say it’s amazing watching these Democrats amendment after amendment, common sense amendments they vote against.”
Cruz noted that the militant vigilance in opposing the Republicans extended even to “common sense amendments” that should ordinarily have unquestionable bipartisan support.
One of the clearest examples of these efforts occurred when Democrats made a move that harmed both consumers and producers.
“Every single Democrat, all of them voted to increase gas taxes,” Cruz continued, noting that they had no issue “[sticking] it to the producer” and “making the consumer pay more.”
In addition to voting against common sense amendments supported by Republicans, Cruz also noted that Democrats will openly lie about other issues, trusting that neither the media nor their militant followers will fact check them.
“[The Democrats are] counting on the corporate media just carrying their water for them and saying, ‘oh, your taxes are not going up,’” the Texas senator said in disgust.
Cruz noted that the Democrats have told “flat out [lies]” with regards to the new spending bill not raising taxes for anyone making under $400,000 per year.
“The Congressional Budget Office analyzed this bill, and it concluded … that just about every group of taxpayers would see their taxes go up,” Cruz remarked, noting that a significant percentage of the bill’s tax liabilities would be derived from individuals making over $400,000 per year.
Problematically, various alleged justice agencies are kowtowing to Democrat demands, creating significant issues for the future.
Cruz argues that “one of the worst outcomes” from the Biden and Obama administrations “has been the politicization and weaponization.”

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