Looks like global elites just can’t get enough of harassing Trump.
Just consider what one major Democrat billionaire has been up to as of late, as reported by Fox News.
Reid Hoffman, a founder and former executive chairman of LinkedIn, has apparently decided it is a great idea to provide financial support to E. Jean Carroll, who accused Trump of raping her in a department store in the 1990s.
Carroll is presently suing Trump, and will apparently be able to do so for quite a lengthy period of time, given the leftist billionaire backing her.
Even worse, Mr. Hoffman has succeeded in having key documents concealed, with U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan brazenly siding with the billionaire.
“The interest in public access here is minimal, particularly given that the parties’ previous on-the-record filings already afforded the public meaningful access to information about this otherwise irrelevant and tangential topic,” Kaplan sniffed.
Yeah, right. Public interest is far more than “minimal,” given the degree to which the government has become corrupted.
Though Kaplan is apparently clueless to this reality.
Hoffman himself has sniffed that nothing at all should be suspicious about his support of Carroll, dodging the issue of concealing documents entirely.
“While Trump’s legal team has characterized my support of Carroll’s lawsuit as ‘secret,’ I want to be clear that I’ve never taken any steps to hide the financial support that I have provided to this lawsuit after it started,” Hoffman proclaimed.
Sure. But you sure have taken steps to hide the real motive.
“Secondly, and more importantly, while media attention is focused on this specific story, let’s not forget the overall point: the rule of law and the ideal that our courts are a mechanism of justice for all citizens, not just those with enough money and power to rig the game in their favor,” Hoffman added.
That’s rich, coming from a billionaire who created a social media network for successful, ostensibly wealthier professionals.
Including one that will brazenly back an accuser solely to perpetuate the witch hunt against Trump, though he predictably gives the same tired, media-approved excuse.
“In and out of court, women have been one of the main groups that Trump has singled out … Trump’s hostility to women has been a dominant feature of his ideology for his entire adult life. Supporting women fighting for progress and justice in philanthropy, politics, and business has been a longstanding priority of mine, as is supporting America against the threat of Trump – a stance that I’ve not only made public, but also have prioritized over recent years … I have been proud to help level the playing field in the courts for those whom Trump and his allies have attacked and bullied,” Hoffman brayed.
Never mind all those who have attacked and bullied Trump and his allies … a practice that is not only accepted, but avidly encouraged by the media.
Author: Jane Jones

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