In a rather humorous development, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) has recently raised eyebrows for some rather dubious data reporting.
The organization recently released the most allegedly up-to-date information regarding homeless counts in Los Angeles, though the numbers raised quite a few eyebrows.
Much in the same way Biden’s alleged 81 million votes raised quite a few eyebrows.
As reported by The Daily Wire, LAHSA apparently made the rather bold claim that exactly zero homeless individuals reside in Venice Beach.
“The count found that there were about 69,000 homeless people in Los Angeles County, up 4.1% from 2020. In the city of Los Angeles there were nearly 42,000 homeless people, up 1.7% from 2020. However, the count appeared to suffer from irregularities, including a dramatic drop from 509 homeless people to zero in the Venice Beach area, an area known for its homeless problem,” the outlet noted.
Well, imagine that. California reporting questionable data.
Some might even call it data disinformation, especially given the rather ineffectual reply offered by LAHSA Communications Director Ahmad Chapman in response to the highly dubious report.
“During the Count, we received several reports of user and technological errors resulting from a lack of training and poor internet connectivity. Despite these errors, we are confident in the accuracy of this year’s homeless Count because LAHSA and its partners took several steps to account for what was happening in the field,” Chapman insisted.
Whatever those “steps” were, one can only hope they weren’t the type taken in Newsom’s recent recall election.
Councilman Bob Blumenfield also finds the report from LAHSA quite skeptical, especially in terms of how exactly the data is collected, never mind reported.
“I go out in our community for homeless outreach at least once a month, and my staff is on the streets every day. The increase of people who are unsheltered per the LAHSA Count does not reflect the reality that we see. More transparency over this process would be incredibly welcomed because we are simply not getting answers that add up,” Blumenfield wryly remarked.
The councilman continued on to note some rather obvious issues in the inaccurate counting reported by the organization.
“A count of RVs and tents can’t assess if the owner also has a shelter bed. I hope more work will be done to make sure these numbers are the best reflection of what’s happening in the West Valley,” Blumenfield asserted.
One thing is for sure: Given that Biden is hardly the “best reflection” of what Americans want, it’s pretty clear that an incredibly Democrat-heavy state is hardly going to give the “best reflection” of anything, above all the truth.
Then Democrats wonder why they’re losing the alleged narrative, as bemoaned by Newsom, who apparently spends most of his time obsessing over Fox News.
“That prime-time lineup by Fox, they’re ruthless,” Newsom whined.
Yeah well, allowing a free for all of crime in Los Angeles and elsewhere is even more “ruthless” to citizens that have to deal with it, Mr. Newsom.
Not that he is likely to think about citizens seriously.
“They dominate the most important thing in American politics today, and that’s the narrative. Facts become secondary to narrative. They dominate with illusion and we are getting crushed. We are on the defense over and over again,” Newsom continued.
Heaven forbid sane policies that would put Democrats less “on the defense,” but what else can one do when one political party appears intent on abolishing the border and encouraging a federal takeover of, well … everything?
“Where are we? Where are we organizing, bottom up, a compelling alternative narrative? Where are we going on the offense every single day? They’re winning right now,” Newsome continued ranting.
Thankfully they are “winning.” May they keep “winning” for the sake of the nation, though one should never underestimate Dems’ dirty tricks in the upcoming midterms.
In the meantime, others are amused by Newsom’s ranting and raving, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has presently raised $170M more than Newsom has.
“I think his hair gel is interfering with his brain function,” DeSantis laughed, undoubtedly setting Newsom into a fresh fit of hair-gelled rage.
Author: Jane Jones
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