Another year, another demand for endless spending by the Dems.
Humorously, after sending tens of billions of largely unaccounted for sums to Ukraine, coupled with a number of multitrillion dollar spending bills, the Democrats appear to think they can just turn around and turn the spigot on for more printed money again, while of course exercising exactly zero fiscal restraint.
Of course, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen jumped in with her song and dance about “irreparable harm” to the U.S. economy if Republicans dare to challenge raising the debt ceiling … again.
“Failure to meet the government’s obligations would cause irreparable harm to the U.S. economy, the livelihoods of all Americans and global financial stability,” Yellen ominously intoned.
Hm. One would think wantonly spending tens of billions in Ukraine (with no accountability) and trillions stateside on mostly pork would cause far more “irreparable harm” to the economy.
Sadly, one would expect the Treasury Secretary, of all people, to know that.
Of course, Senate Majority “Leader” Chuck Schumer took Yellen’s words and ran with them.
“This is not complicated: If the MAGA GOP stops paying our nation’s bills, Americans will be the ones to pay the price. Political brinkmanship with the debt limit would be a massive hit to local economies, American families, and would be nothing less than an economic crisis at the hands of the Republicans,” Schumer boomed.
Nice deflection, which conveniently dodges all the monies Democrats have utterly wasted.
By the way, shutting down the nation’s schools for two unnecessary years will likely cause far more “irreparable harm” in the long run.
Needless to say, varied Republicans have become more vocal about the absurd level of spending imposed by the Democrats.
Republican Representative Andy Biggs, for instance, refuses to raise the ceiling.
“We cannot raise the debt ceiling. Democrats have carelessly spent our taxpayer money and devalued our currency. They’ve made their bed, so they must lie in it,” Biggs declared.
That’s right.
Though White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre certainly can’t be counted on to share thse normalized views, especially as she continues her job as chief propagandist.
“As President Biden has made clear, Congress must deal with the debt limit and must do so without conditions,” she proclaimed.
“Congress must deal with the debt limit … without conditions …” Oh wow, that’s really reasonable. How bipartisan.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was clearly taken aback by such a stance, making his views clear.
“Why create a crisis over this? I mean, we’ve got a Republican House, a Democratic Senate. We’ve got the president there. I think it’s arrogance to say, ‘Oh, we’re not going to negotiate about pretty much anything’ and especially when it comes to funding,” McCarthy said in disbelief.
Senator Mitch McConnell adopted a more neutral approach, allowing the Democrats far more trust than warranted.
“America must never default on its debt. We’ll end up in some kind of negotiation with the administration over what are the circumstances or conditions under which the debts are going to be raised,” McConnell declared.
“Negotiation,” huh? Not if Ms. Jean-Pierre has anything to say about it.
“We’re not going to work our way around this; we’re not going to negotiate on this. We are not going to be negotiating over the debt ceiling,” Jean-Pierre sneered.
More of that good old “unity,” Biden style …
Author: Jane Jones

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