One can only hope that Trump will strike back at the elite globalists’ desire to rob absolutely everyone while hoarding all wealth for themselves.
And one of their favorite methods for doing so is through the so-called tax system … in which they experience exactly zero accountability.
Moreover, you know the globalists becoming downright dangerous when they start launching truly bizarre tax schemes.
While a number of strange taxes have been passed, perhaps the “rain tax” is the strangest of all.
Of course, ultra-woke Canada, which is apparently offended by actually peaceful protests, is at the center of a major controversy.
After all, citizens have no control over how much rain falls and doesn’t fall … yet they are expected to pay a tax on it?
Astonishingly, they are!
In the City of Toronto, or the hometown of globalist Trudeau, a new policy has apparently been passed in which rainfall with elevate Canadians’ already astronomically high tax bills.
“Stormwater is rain and melted snow. When not absorbed into the ground, stormwater runs off hard surfaces onto streets, down storm drains, and through a network of pipes that carry it into local waterways … In urbanized areas like Toronto, there are a lot of hard surfaces … Too much stormwater can overwhelm the city’s sewer system, which can lead to flooded basements and impacts to surface water quality in Toronto’s rivers, streams, and Lake Ontario’s waterfront,” the city webpage detailed.
Yep, more of the “science” justifying a senseless tax … Almost as bad as the “science” justifying COVID masks.
Or, perhaps worse, given that that pandemic finally did have to end … whereas crazed tax policies tend to stick. Big time.
The City of Toronto then proceeded to defend the indefensible “stormwater charge,” which is yet another shameless money grab and opportunity to create even more government administrative positions.
Strikingly, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other rapidly growing nations are moving away from government employment in favor of private enterprise to become more globally competitive, which is evident in its Vision 2030 plan.
Meanwhile, “leaders” like Trudeau and Biden are moving in favor of increased government employment.
Rather strange …
“The City is consulting on a proposal for a stormwater charge that would be dedicated to funding the City’s stormwater management initiatives. A stormwater charge would be based on the impact of a property with respect to stormwater runoff to the City’s storm sewer system, which is represented by the amount of hard surface area on a property. Hard surfaces include roofs, asphalt driveways, parking areas and concrete landscaping,” the city website added helpfully.
Well gee, thanks. Glad to know that rain, which has always been a phenomenon in North America, is now another source of taxation for citizens.
Needless to say, more than one individual was definitely not amused.
Warren Kinsella, founder of political campaign strategy firm Daisy Consulting Group, wrote a scathing editorial against “Toronto’s overlords,” which started with a savvy, succinct opening: “A rain tax. Seriously, they want to tax the rain.”
“For sheer gall, for its bottomless brazen brassiness, you can’t beat this one: a tax on rain. You almost have to admire the Bolsheviks who presently run Canada’s largest city, for their inventiveness and their total indifference to the taxpayer,” Kinsella continued
“Total indifference.”
Global elites’ attitude in a nutshell. Which is why they comprise a truly careless cabal.
“In 2010 the Obama administration’s Environmental Protection Agency ordered Maryland to reduce stormwater runoff into the Chesapeake Bay so that nitrogen levels fall 22 percent and phosphorus falls 15 percent from current amounts. The price tag: $14.8 billion …
And where do we get the $14.8 billion? By taxing so-called “impervious surfaces,” anything that prevents rainwater from seeping into the earth (roofs, driveways, patios, sidewalks, etc.) thereby causing stormwater runoff. In other words, a rain tax,” Yahoo! News detailed.
Well then. Is anything else to be expected from the Obama administration?
It’s truly difficult to quantify the degree of damage he really did.
Though more than one has certainly tracked the damage, at least in part.
“Behold the Obama Administration’s new public works plan. Sue cities for polluting waterways and then as part of a settlement require them to spend, er, ‘invest’ billions in extraneous sewer improvements. The White House doesn’t even need legislation to pour this money down the drain,” the Wall Street Journal remarkedsardonically.
In other words, the new public works plan is yet another way for the federal government to continue consolidating its already excessive power.
Little wonder that Canada has now followed in Obama’s deranged footsteps.
“Finishing the job” of the Obama administration.
Now that citizens can be taxed on rainfall, what’s next – a tax on the air they breathe?
Heck, with more chatter about each person being allocated a certain number of “carbon credits,” perhaps such a tax is indeed on the horizon after all.
Author: Ofelia Thornton
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