Note to Disney: There is, indeed, a new sheriff in town.
As usual, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis followed through on another promise, this time severely undermining the power that Disney has within the Sunshine State.
Looks like Disney shouldn’t have gotten itself involved in a legislative debate, as they ended up on the massive losing end of the stick.
In an overwhelming Florida House vote, or 82 “ayes” relative to 31 “nays,” Disney was stripped of its special self-governing powers (and special tax benefits).
So long, trans mob.
Amongst the many elements of the bill, several stand out as particular victories.
For instance, Disney claimed that dissolving Reedy Creek would result in Florida taxpayers stomaching $700M of Disney’s unsecured debt (what is it with libs and debt?), alongside a host of other issues.
So, DeSantis pivoted, declined to dissolve Reedy Creek, thereby placing the debt burden back on Disney.
Instead, DeSantis assumed control of Reedy Creek entirely, and the bill endows the Florida governor with the power to appoint all five leaders of Disney’s new tax district in Orlando.
Go woke, go broke!
As usual, DeSantis delivered the announcement of Disney’s recent dethronement with measured calm, coupled with firmness.
“Florida is dissolving the Corporate Kingdom and beginning a new era of accountability and transparency. These actions ensure a state-controlled district accountable to the people instead of a corporate-controlled kingdom,” DeSantis remarked crisply.
Amen! Especially given Disney’s allegiance to the trans mob.
“[Disney] is going to pay its fair share of taxes, and Disney is going to honor the debt … That’s exactly what this proposed piece of legislation will do. Now, this is obviously now going to be controlled by the state of Florida, which is no longer self-governing for them. So there’s a new sheriff in town, and that’s just the way it’s gonna be,” DeSantis added pointedly.
Hear, hear!
A spokesperson for Disney, Jeff Vahle, attempted to brush off DeSantis’s victory, claiming that Disney is “committed” to “the highest quality experience.”
“Disney works under a number of different models and jurisdictions around the world, and regardless of the outcome, we remain committed to providing the highest quality experience for the millions of guests who visit each year,” Vahle intoned.
Yeah. Let’s hope the “highest quality” experience is nothing like another Disney cartoon that just came out, another new and unimproved version of “Louder and Prouder.”
Guess humility has gone out the window.
“This country was built on slavery – which means slaves built this country,” the cartoon characters scream.
Interesting assertion, considering most of the United States’s growth arose from the industrial north, and the real wealth was built by the end of the nineteenth century, well after slavery ended.
“Slaves built this country. We made your families rich!” the cartoons continue.
Curiously, the cartoon fails to account for the suffering of indentured servants from Europe, not to mention remarkably prejudiced policies against the Chinese, who built most of the nation’s railroads.
The cartoon then segues into the latest and greatest form of new liberal enslavement: more dependency on Big Brother.
“We the descendants of slaves in America have earned reparations for their suffering. And continue to earn reparations every moment we spend submerged in a systemic prejudice, racism and white supremacy that America was founded with and still has not atoned for,” the cartoons cheered.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Keep up the divisiveness and hatred, Dems. See how that works out in 2024.
Speaking of 2024, Biden is bolder than ever, claiming that he will triumph against either Trump or DeSantis.
When asked if DeSantis may pose more of a threat than Trump, Biden delivered an interesting response.
“No, I don’t think so, because I think that they have a similar modus operandi, a similar way in which they work,” Biden declared.
Ironic commentary coming from a president who represents a party obsessed with erasing any and all forms of individuality, not to mention gender itself.
Author: Jane Jones

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