Looks like President Biden isn’t the only one who may have to worry about impeachment proceedings when the Republicans sweep the House and Senate in the fall, given the recent efforts undertaken by Senators Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham.
In a letter to Mayorkas, both senators made it quite clear that they are displeased with the chaos at the border, informing the DHS Secretary that the present situation amounts to a blatant “dereliction of duty” on Mayorkas’s behalf.
“Your failure to faithfully enforce this nation’s immigration laws and willful blindness to the very real humanitarian crisis at our southern border amounts to a gross dereliction of duty and a violation of your oath of office,” the senators asserted.
Seriously. Especially when Mayorkas initially spent most of his time denying that an issue even existed at the border before finally admitting the obvious.
In large part due to the extremely obvious consequences.
“Historically high levels of illegal immigration and illicit drug trafficking demonstrate that our southern border is open for every kind of public health and national security threat imaginable,” the senators added.
That’s right. Who could forget the good old days of Americans being forced to test for COVID before reentering the nation, a practice that persisted long after Europe dropped its own COVID entry requirements, while illegal migrants faced no such restrictions?
Not to mention the level of crime that has escalated in response to the migrant crisis, especially with regards to drugs and human trafficking.
These issues are amplified in the face of a generally absent federal government.
“Despite the heroic efforts by the men and women of Border Patrol, who operate with very little support from Washington, D.C., you have failed to achieve any semblance of operational control of the southern border,” the senators added, emphasizing the “2,150,639 illegal alien encounters by CBP on the southern border in fiscal year 2022, the most ever in a single year.”
Given that 2022 has yet to even conclude, it’s pretty clear that the senators are chomping at the bit to rid the nation of a remarkably ineffectual DHS secretary.
“We have grave concerns about what this failure means for both national security and the health and safety of American citizens. These failures cannot go unaddressed, and your actions cannot be unaccounted for,” Cruz and Graham continued.
And the senators already have in mind precisely what type of accountability Mayorkas should face in the future.
“This is gross dereliction of duty and, if not corrected swiftly, could provide grounds for impeachment. We fully expect that in a few months’ time a Republican-led Congress will hold you to account for your willful negligence regarding the security of the southern border and the safety of the American people,” the senators declared.
In other words, a dual set of impeachments really is in order in terms of national security: First, Biden and his “deals” overseas that happen to be surfacing to light due to current conflicts now; secondly, Mayorkas and his wide-open border.
Somewhere along the way, Kamala is bumbling along, contributing to the chaos, especially when she waxes poetically about the strong, enduring alliance between the United States and North Korea.
Which just might be one of the greatest Freudian slips of the Democrat Party.
Author: Jane Jones

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