Tony Bobulinski better watch his back.
Indeed, President Biden’s former, indirect business partner, who officially worked with Hunter, has thrown open the floodgates of what really went on while Biden was serving in the Obama regime.
Bobulinski is currently preparing to testify before Republicans regarding “Hunter’s” (i.e., the president’s) shady business dealings, with a particular emphasis on China.
China, the same nation aiding and abetting Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine, richly profiting from discounted Russian oil.
Curiously, Biden has chosen to not impose sanctions on China for its obvious aiding and abetting of Russia’s relentless invasion, though he is in total favor of sending billions more to Ukraine.
Billions that may as well be hurled into a black hole, given that China continues to financially support Russia with impunity.
Hardly, especially given Bobulinski’s forthcoming testimony, as revealed in a statement obtained by the Daily Mail.
“I want to be crystal clear: from my direct personal experience and what I have subsequently come to learn, it is clear to me that Joe Biden was ‘the Brand’ being sold by the Biden family,” Bobulinski revealed.
Without a doubt. The current state of global affairs is, in and of itself, increasingly obvious evidence of what really went on during the Obama regime.
Hunter’s former business partner noted that CEFC, a supposed energy company directly affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party, “successfully sought to infiltrate and compromise” the Obama-Biden regime, which is especially devastating in light of the rapidly destabilizing global security situation.
Bobulinski’s testimony is further supported by a 2017 email detailing yet another shady deal cut with the Chinese, which highlights the division of 20 percent of the forthcoming profits – 10 percent for Jim, Hunter’s uncle or Biden’s brother, and 10 percent “held by H for the big guy.”
Needless to say, given who is sitting in the Oval Office now, at least in part due to a China-originated virus, is none other than “the big guy” himself.
Coincidence? Hardly.
“The Biden family business was Joe Biden, period,” Bobulinski added flatly.
Indeed, it was.
And, rather unfortunately, the general public has been aghast at the enormous trove of material from Hunter Biden’s now-authenticated laptops, which were conveniently validated years after Biden took over the office.
While the salacious content undoubtedly generated countless headlines, it also detracted from the real “enabler” of the entire situation – Biden himself.
Indeed, the White House will happily hurl Hunter under a bus if it means keeping their puppet in power, at all costs.
Of course, logical minds will wonder how someone as addicted as Hunter would have been able to mastermind such business “deals” in the first place, especially if he was perpetually checked out on narcotics.
The answer is simple: He couldn’t.
Though an enterprising Obama and Biden certainly could.
For all the Americans know, the core of these deals may well be Mr. “Third Term” Obama himself … especially as Obama currently has the most lavish real estate portfolio.
Author: Jane Jones

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