“You don’t have to walk anywhere, we can buy you a free ticket. You can go to any city. We can take you up to the Canadian border, wherever!”
So trilled Andres Carrera, who serves as the hilariously named “Newcomer Communications Liaison” in ultra-woke Denver, Colorado.
Only the Biden/Obama administration would be one to inspire a “Newcomer Communications Liaison” job position in the government.
Which is basically just a fancy title for someone who can communicate with illegal migrants in Spanish since few deign to learn English.
And, rather hilariously, that “Newcomer Communications Liaison” is encouraging illegal migrants to barrel straight towards Canada’s increasingly overrun border.
Much to the dismay of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, whose ignoble reign has been largely characterized by shutting down trucker convoy protests while greenlighting state-sanctioned euthanasia for “poor” or “mentally ill” Canadians.
“Whether it’s temporary foreign workers or whether it’s international students in particular, that have grown at a rate far beyond what Canada has been able to absorb,” Trudeau brayed.
You’re just now realizing this, Mr. Trudeau? Or is it an election year yet again in Canada?
Problematically, Canada does not have term limits, and good old globalist Trudeau is apparently gunning for a fourth term.
If only to beat his own father, Trudeau Sr., who served three terms as Canada’s Prime Minister before failing to achieve a fourth.
In other words, a substantial percentage of modern Canadian history has been dominated by the globalist Trudeaus.
As reported by Fox News, migrants now make up a staggering 7.5 percent of Canada’s total population.
In other words, almost one in ten individuals in Canada is a supposedly “temporary” migrant.
On top of that, the 7.5 percent constitutes a nearly fourfold increase since 2017, back when “only” 2 percent of Canada’s entire population consisted of “temporary” migrants.
“We want to get those numbers down … It’s a responsible approach to immigration that continues on our permanent residents, as we have, but also hold the line a little more on the temporary immigration that has caused so much pressure in our communities,” Trudeau declared.
Here’s a hint, Trudeau: Maybe there wouldn’t be so much “pressure” if the government hadn’t embraced such absurd globalist ideals in the first place?
Just consider the commentary from The Economic Times regarding the rather dubious leadership of the Trudeau clan.
“Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has relied on immigration to drive economic growth and plug labor gaps, but now he is hitting the brakes after a seismic shift in public opinion that could undermine his chances to win the next election …
It was Trudeau’s father, Pierre, who championed immigration as prime minister in the early 1970s, promoting ‘multiculturalism’ as government policy. Over time, Canadians have come to see the country’s diversity as part of its identity, like the maple,” the Economic Times reported.
So, “multiculturalism” has been a “government policy” in Canada since the 1970s?
That’s nice.
Those multicultural chickens have surely come home to roost by now, as evidenced by the onslaught of illegals barreling across the Canadian border.
Then again, Trudeau Jr. could just be completely full of it, given that elections are impending.
More than one sensible individual certainly appears to think so.
“The only reason Junior is stating this now is because there’s an election coming, and he’s enormously unpopular all across the country … That’s what happens when arrest & jail peaceful protesters & freeze bank accounts, and charge people for using the supposedly ‘wrong’ pronouns. As well as a plethora of other ‘woke’ moves over the years, like pushing assisted suicide for people as young as 18 claiming to have ‘mental’ issues,” a Fox News reader remarked.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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