The Dems can try all they want, but their champagne socialist/limousine liberal act is starting to fool exactly no one.
Aside from ultra-woke college brats and illegal migrants, that is.
From unions to increasingly diverse groups of Americans, more than one individual is waking up.
Including major league NFL star Antonio Brown, who drove the Pittsburgh Steelers and Tampa Bay Buccaneers to numerous victories.
And he may well help drive a critical victory for top presidential candidate in just a few weeks’ time.
Not only did Brown endorse Trump earlier this year, but he is also calling out the media for what other conservatives have recognized for a long, long time.
Recently, Elon Musk attended a Pittsburgh Steelers game, which would ordinarily be big news.
Especially considering the slavish attention that ultra-woke Taylor Swift has received for making googly eyes at her (likely contract) boyfriend at his own football games.
And, while the media may report on every last bangle that adorns Swift’s wrists, it doesn’t even bother to point out that Musk made an appearance to support the Steelers.
Much to the ire of Brown.
“NBC choose not to show @elonmusk at the Cowboys vs Steelers game Another reason to get out in Vote Media censoring is real and will only get worse unless change #CTESPN,” Brown tweeted.
That’s the spirit! Talk about calling it like you see it.
Then again, Trump was quite right: The type of extreme bias he is experiencing is especially obvious to individuals who have long been subjected to bias themselves.
“Did you see @SNFonNBC say anything about him being at the game? Does not fit their agenda #CTESPN,” Brown continued.
Nope, reporting on Musk in any kind of favorable light most definitely does not serve the media’s agenda.
Rather despicable, really.
Especially when comparing the treatment that Harris-endorsing Swift receives.
“Taylor Swift gets shown every game she’s at and not even a mention he’s at the game,” Brown added.
Musk himself acknowledged Brown’s salient points, noting that it was “weird” the media declined to mention him at all, especially relative to some brainless pop tart.
“That was weird,” Musk tweeted in response.
Weird, indeed.
One thing is for certain: Musk’s sage remarks, coupled with consistent critical thinking, undoubtedly do not align with the “agenda” of the media.
Especially a media that was a little too gleeful about endless lockdowns … for everyone but the elites, that is.
And Musk’s wisdom was on full display during a recent interview with Tucker Carlson.
“My biggest concern for Europe is that their birth rate is half replacement rate … So, Europe is rapidly becoming with each passing year older and older with fewer and fewer young people. … At the most fundamental level, unless Europe has a birth rate at least roughly equal to replacement rate, it is in population free fall, population collapse,” Musk mused.
Fair point.
Especially as Europe has been subsumed by illegal migrants for many, many years.
An invasion undoubtedly approved by Brussels, headquarters of the EU, and one mimicked by the likes of Comrade Kamala.
Who conveniently dodged questions regarding illegal migration during her supposed “big girl” interview.
Though she would most certainly advocate population reduction, that’s for sure.
“It does seem like the U.S. government – if you take three steps back – is pretty committed to making fewer Americans. There’s a lot of anti-fertility propaganda. Actually, that seems like their main sort of domestic social policy is convincing you not to have kids,” Carlson responded.
Yup. Coupled with pro-illegal migration propaganda. Scary.
Musk also blasted the “Green Deal” as a thinly veiled excuse for effectively ridding the planet of excess humanity.
“The environmental movement in the extreme is fundamentally misanthropic and anti-human … They start seeing humans as a plague, a blight on the surface of the earth – a that earth would be this paradise if only the humans weren’t here,” Musk remarked, clearly disturbed by such a mindset.
Yup. Exactly why they locked them all down, undoubtedly envisioning their preferred future.
In which all resources belong to them.
Most intriguingly of all, Musk blasted the degradation of religion in society, illustrating how much worse social norms and basic values have become in the absence of religion.
“Nature abhors a vacuum. So, when you have essentially a decline in religion and increase in the secular nature of society, for most people, they need something to fill that void, so they adopt a religion. It’s not called a religion … The woke mind virus – it takes the place of religion, and they internalize and they feel it with religious fervor,” Musk wisely observed.
Wow. How true …
Not to mention wholly in opposition to the ultra-secular, ultra-woke mass media narrative.
Little wonder the media makes every effort to censor Musk …
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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