If NATO is allegedly intent on defeating Russia via Ukraine, then it’s making some awfully strange moves in favor of mass illegal migration.
After all, Poland, a nation very similar to Trump in ideology, recently declared that it is facing a deliberate “hybrid war” from Putin via illegal migration, chiefly from multiple “refugees” from Africa and the Middle East flooding into the nation through its border with Belarus.
Now, however, the European Union, wherein most nations are NATO members, has apparently decided it’s a great time for a supposedly “united” European response.
“Migration is a European challenge that requires a European response,” Ursula von der Leyen, the 13thpresident of the European Commission, declared.
Alas, that “response” is hardly one welcomed by nations that actually respect their citizens.
Indeed, one part of the response, per the wannabe dictators in the European Commission (i.e., globalists), is for each nation to pay upwards of 20,000 euros per migrant for relocating them.
That’s right: 20,000 euros per person.
So, if 100,000 illegal migrants invade the Netherlands, and the Netherlands does not a single one of them, then the Netherlands apparently has to pay 20,000 euros, 100,000 times over, or 2 million euros, to get rid of them.
Apparently, something as simple as banning them from entering in the first place, or forcibly removing them from the European Union, is too sensible of a solution.
Little wonder that the allegedly “far right” lead in the Netherlands, Geert Wilders, is disgusted by the new plan from the EU and has subsequently vowed to reject it.
Running under the banner of “hope, courage and pride,” Wilder is a top leader in the Netherland’s “Party for Freedom,” which would undoubtedly have Trump’s stamp of approval.
“Deport people without a valid residence permit as much as possible, even forcibly … The Dutch [are] back at No. 1,” Wilders proclaimed.
Indeed, they are. Much to the rage of the globalists.
“What we have today in our agreement is really the most tough anti-asylum (policy) ever being implemented in the Netherlands,” Wilders added.
The EU head honchos surely did not like Wilders’ response, given their terse reply.
“You cannot opt out of EU legislation… We are working on the basis of existing treaties and existing legislation,” the global elitists in Brussels declared.
European Commission spokesman Eric Mamer was more neutral, apparently recalling that the so-called democracy the EU claims to represent should consider differing opinions.
“We will wait to see what a possible new Dutch government will formally propose,” Mamer noted.
Wilders has already been rather forthright in his own plan for the Netherlands, which has already suffered under the so-called Green Deal dictums.
“We will try to get a so-called opt-out for asylum, as the Danish have. That might take years if it is successful anyway,” Wilders proclaimed.
Tellingly, Denmark has nowhere near the challenges that ultra-woke Sweden does with violent migrants.
Indeed, the 26-page coalition agreement of the party of the “Netherlands’ Trump” is one that clearly puts the Dutch people, rather than last.
“An opt out clause for European asylum and migration policies will be submitted as soon as possible to the European Commission … Concrete steps will be taken towards the strictest ever entry rules for asylum and the most comprehensive ever package to control migration,” the agreement states.
“This will definitely make the Netherlands less attractive for asylum seekers … People in Africa and the Middle East will start thinking they might be better off elsewhere,” Wilders proclaimed.
Indeed, it will. After all, why shouldn’t the Dutch people have the right to live in a society that espouses their values, rather than militant sharia law?
The 26-page coalition agreement also features shades of Trump’s beliefs in foreign policy, such as moving the Dutch embassy to Jerusalem.
“Taking into account solutions to the Israel-Palestinian conflict and diplomatic interests, we will examine when the embassy can be moved to Jerusalem at an appropriate time,” the agreement added.
Tellingly, many Dutch individuals apparently feel the same way as fed-up American conservatives, openly expressing their displeasure with the ultra-woke.
De Telegraaf polled 27,000 individuals across the Netherlands, the vast majority of which are in support of the new coalition agreement.
“Enough with the extreme-Left fantasy reality!” one respondent proclaimed.
“We have been tolerant far too long to those who are not tolerant!” another added.
“Finally, common sense,” another respondent sighed, echoing Thomas Paine’s seminal work, one of several that inspired the American Founding Fathers.
May the MAGA movement continue to sweep the world, lest it falls into the permanent clutches of the insatiably greedy globalists.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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