If there is one thing Obama is determined to have, it’s his “fourth term” in office.
And he’s pulling out all the stops to make sure it happens … right down to collaborating with Clinton.
First, Obama had one of his top strategists write an op-ed in CNN, which basically called for Biden to step down.
Now, Obama is having one of the top strategists for Clinton, of all people, express similar sentiments in the public press as well.
Albeit in an even more aggressive manner.
“Mark my words: Joe Biden is going to be out of the 2024 presidential race. Whether he is ready to admit it or not.”
So declared James Carville, the “campaign guru” for Bill Clinton and long-term Democrat “strategist,” per a report from the Daily Mail.
Indeed, in the spirit of top Obama strategist David Axelrod, who recently penned his own damning editorial on CNN’s official webpage, Carville is apparently jumping on the rapidly growing anti-Biden brigade, publishing his own scorching opinion piece in the New York Times.
“Mr. Biden says he’s staying in the race, but it’s only a matter of time before Democratic pressure and public and private polling lead him to exit the race. The jig is up, and the sooner Mr. Biden and Democratic leaders accept this, the better. We need to move forward,” Carville blared.
Well, quite frankly, the longer Democrats continue their pathetic infighting, the greater the chances of Trump securing a landmark victory in the forthcoming election.
Hilariously, Carville declares that cackling Kamala cannot be “anointed,” despite the fact that Biden himself is one of the most obvious Manchurian candidates of all time.
“But can’t be by anointing Vice President Kamala Harris or anyone else as the presumptive Democratic nominee. We’ve got to do it out in the open – the exact opposite of what Donald Trump wants us to do,” Carville asserted.
Actually, Trump will love any and all conflicts against Biden … all they do is reveal how unstable the Dems are.
Not to mention reveal their propensity for extreme betrayal.
Carville then begins to shift into his apparent “plan” for the Democrats, which curiously does not seem to involve input from any of the American voters who allegedly voted for Biden in the primaries.
“We’re at the stage where we need constructive ideas for how to move forward. Representative Jim Clyburn and the Times Opinion columnist Ezra Klein have spoken about a Democratic mini-primary, and I want to build on that,” Carville asserted.
Is that so?
Clyburn, a Black representative from South Carolina, curiously does not seem to think Kamala should be the automatic choice to select Biden – on the contrary, he thinks that she should compete with others in a “mini-primary.”
“You can actually fashion the process that’s already in place to make it a mini-primary, and I would support that absolutely … We can’t close that down, and we should open up everything for the general election. I think that Kamala Harris would acquit herself very well in that kind of a process, but then it would be fair to everybody,” Clyburn asserted.
Is that so? Kamala polled at all of 1 percent in her failed presidential run, yet she may do “very well” in a so-called mini-primary?
Seems unlikely.
What is highly likely, however, is that Obama has zero qualms about stabbing Biden in the back, even enlisting the help of Clinton to do so.
Which is rather evident from Carville’s suggestion.
“I want to see the Democratic Party hold four historic town halls between now and the Democratic National Convention in August – one each in the South, the Northeast, the Midwest and the West. We can recruit the two most obvious and qualified people in the world to facilitate substantive discussions: Barack Obama and Bill Clinton,” Carville declared.
Clinton and Obama are certainly the “most obvious,” but “qualified?” Who is he kidding?
Perhaps most hilariously of all, Carville admitted that neither Clinton nor Obama represented “all factions” within the Democrat party, a rather obvious statement, given that the Democrats are clearly all about their own power, and not much else.
“They may not represent every faction under our party’s big tent. But they care as much about our democracy as our nation’s first president, they understand what it takes to be president, and they know how to win,” Carville asserted.
Is that so?
Heck, “they know how to win,” all right … but can they do so without fraud?
In any event, one can only hope that Biden (or, more accurately, his aggressive wife), continue to double down on staying in the race …
Which will further splinter a party long in need of serious splintering.
Author: Ofelia Thornton
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