Go Gabbard!
First, she resigns in one of the most spectacular, albeit truthful, manners possible on a podcast.
Then, she appears with Tucker Carlson, a move that is sure to send the media into a fit of hysterics.
Now, she’s sat down with Joe Rogan and openly critiqued Nancy Pelosi, a move that is likely to move the media from a fit of hysterics to a fit of full-blown rage.
However, Rogan and Gabbard are clearly unafraid of whatever eggs the media can hurl, given how openly and frankly they discussed what is running through numerous Americans’ minds.
“I mean, it would be wonderful if we could get money entirely out of politics. If the only way that a politician could make money while they’re in office is just their salary. I’m sure you’re aware of the Nancy Pelosi stuff, it’s wild,” Joe Rogan mused.
Gabbard didn’t miss a beat, noting that corporate media has largely ignored the openly deceptive dealing of so-called “representatives” in Congress.
“And look, I think this is one of the good things about social media, is – of course, the mainstream corporate media is hardly covering it at all. But because of social media, things like that are spreading like wildfire,” Gabbard noted, demonstrating clear generosity and thoughtfulness.
After all, while social media does engage in mass censorship of Hunter Biden stories, it does allow users, at least temporarily, to discuss certain antics, like Pelosi’s insider trading, before being censored or otherwise flagged for “misinformation.”
Gabbard also noted the rather staggeringly brazen practices of Paul Pelosi, who has profited handsomely from his wife’s “service” to the American public.
“Like, hey, Paul Pelosi is doing these trades within this period of time of Nancy Pelosi voting on this bill or bringing a bill to the floor – because we’ve got to remember Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, nothing happens without her knowing about it or giving her stamp of approval,” Gabbard noted in disbelief.
Indeed, Pelosi’s antics have caught the interest of several prominent mainstream outlets, including Forbes.
“It remains to be seen exactly what the restrictions may be, but a bipartisan bill introduced in February by six bipartisan representatives and senators called for a ban on Congress members and their families from owning any individual securities, including stocks, bonds and commodities. The proposal did allow for lawmakers to own mutual funds and ETFs and suggested a $50,000 penalty for violations. There has been a spike in interest for the trading habits of lawmakers in recent years, and a “Nancy Pelosi Stock Tracker” Twitter account has more than 158,000 followers,” the outlet noted.
“Remains to be seen,” indeed.
Gabbard has certainly not held back on critiquing various individuals in power, and, in a refreshing move, she does not judge them based on their gender or racial identity but rather what they’ve done, or, more often than not, not done.
Kamala Harris is an excellent example of such an empty suit.
“Kamala Harris’ statement that ‘we have a secure border’ is further evidence that she’s either completely disconnected from reality or she’s blatantly lying. Either way, she has no business being a heartbeat away from the presidency,” Gabbard asserted on Twitter.
Hopefully, Twitter won’t flag Gabbard’s account for “disinformation,” especially considering the very real information regarding 2 million or more migrants streaming over the border this year alone.
One of many situations that led to Gabbard’s brazen resignation from the Democrat Party on the “Tulsi Gabbard Show.”
“I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party. It’s now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoking anti-white racism, who actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms enshrined in our Constitution,” Gabbard asserted.
Gabbard also noted that the so-called campaign promises of unity were little more than utterly empty, and deceptive in their emptiness.
“President Biden campaigned on a message of unity, healing the partisan divide bringing the country together. He just gave a big speech saying supporters of President (Donald) Trump are the most extremist group in our country and a threat to our democracy. That’s half the country,” Gabbard remarked.
Apparently, Biden does not feel remotely compelled to represent approximately half the country … especially since he effectively alluded to them as domestic terrorists.
Such labels undoubtedly stoke up the “us vs. them” mentality … a mentality that generally profits no one but elites serving the interests of the military-industrial complex.
Author: Jane Jones

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