While the mainstream media and Democrat Party have predictably come out in full force against top GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, they are hardly the only antagonists that the former (and potentially future) president has to face.
Indeed, some of his greatest adversaries may lie within none other than the Republican Party itself, especially as previous antagonists have proven to hold their grudges for a seemingly indefinite period of time.
One such antagonist includes none other than Senator Mitt Romney, who is notorious for voting in favor of Trump’s impeachment, as well as for generally undermining him at every possible opportunity.
Including, apparently, Trump’s 2024 ambitions.
That’s right: Romney has apparently decided to come out more forcefully against Trump than he has against Biden, laying out a veritable blueprint for ways in which Trump may ultimately be blocked from receiving the 2024 presidential nomination.
As reported by The Blaze, Romney recently called for a “two-person race before Mr. Trump has the nomination sewn up.”
In other words, Romney is pushing “less popular” Republicans to drop out, which will theoretically weaken Trump’s chances in 2024.
In his Wall Street Journal opinion piece, Romney offered other “advice” for ensuring that Trump is as weakened as possible in 2024, going as far as to instruct megadonors to act a certain way.
Heck, Romney even gives megadonors a timeline in which to follow through with his commands.
“Republican megadonors and influencers – large and small – are going to have to do something they didn’t do in 2016: get candidates they support to agree to withdraw if and when their paths to the nomination are effectively closed. That decision day should be no later than, say, Feb. 26, the Monday following the contests in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina,” Romney brayed.
Way to order around megadonors, Romney. How about blasting Dem donors that keep Biden in power?
If they can even be located, that is, given the amount of dark money typically shoveled into a Biden campaign.
Regardless, it is clear that Romney is absolutely fixated on Trump, for whatever reason, as he is approaching Trump’s 2024 campaign as if it were a battle on the field against a foreign adversary.
“Left to their own inclinations, expect several of the contenders to stay in the race for a long time. They will split the non-Trump vote, giving him the prize. A plurality is all that is needed for winner-take-all primaries … Our party and our country need a nominee with character, driven by something greater than revenge and ego, preferably from the next generation. Family, friends and campaign donors are the only people who can get a lost-cause candidate to exit the race. After Feb. 26, they should start doing just that.
There he goes with his deadlines again. It will be a tad scary if anyone actually listens,” Romney brayed.
Remarkably, Romney is pursuing this course of action in spite of Trump’s ever-increasing popularity with voters.
After all, most individuals probably don’t want to vote in favor of World War III, which appears to be a foregone conclusion with the present regime.
Which is one of the several reasons why Trump has soared past Biden in some of the most recent polls, much to the anger of individuals afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).
Apparently, Mr. Romney is one such individual, given that he’s dedicated far more thought and correspondence to undermining Trump than undermining Biden.
Apparently for some in the swamp, personal ego is more important than national security.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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