One could almost be forgiven for forgetting that Senator Elizabeth Warren once campaigned against Biden, given the zeal with which she has apparently decided to exhibit while effectively serving as his perennial cheerleader.
Case in point: Her rather obvious antipathy towards Elon Musk, the new Twitter CEO who has clearly called out Biden’s shenanigans on more than one occasion since taking helm at the beleaguered social media giant.
“I think that one human being should not decide how millions of people communicate with each other, and it doesn’t make any difference who that human being is. One human being should not be able to go into a dark room by himself and decide, ‘Oh, that person gets heard from, that person doesn’t.’ That’s not how it should work,” Warren raged.
Oh, really? Warren apparently had zero complaints when the “dark room” decided to censor a very real story on Hunter Biden, but don’t count on a modicum of honesty from the brazenly progressive senator in that regard.
Speaking of brazenly progressive, Warren may want to refamiliarize herself with the basic tenets of checks and balances, especially as she seemed quite keen on the importance of this critical element of American governance during Trump’s presidency.
Alas, apparently Emperor Biden receives a free pass with anything and everything even tangentially related to authoritarianism, including his abrupt decision to shamelessly buy votes, err, provide “student debt relief” right before the midterm elections.
The problem, however, is that Biden had no legal authority for doing so.
Not that ultra-left politicians like Warren will factor in that inconvenient fact while spewing their rhetoric.
During an appearance on NBC, Warren openly admitted to “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd that she basically had no idea what kind of legal authority Biden employed with regards to student debt.
“Look, I’d be delighted to codify what the president is doing, but here’s the key: I don’t have any doubt that the president has the legal authority to cancel this student loan debt,” Warren trilled.
Well, how about that. Much of America would be thrilled if Warren could ever “codify” even half the nonsense policies she continuously promotes from a position of senatorial privilege.
And, at Ivy League schools, apparently from a position of minority privilege, as Warren has long since exploited the benefits allotted to native Americans in higher education.
“President Trump did it, President Obama did it, and President Biden has actually done it up to now on student loan debt payments. But, we have a court down in Texas, and if they’re gonna play politics instead of actually following the law, they do put the program at risk,” Warren babbled, without citing any specific incidents associated with any past presidents.
Likely because none even remotely comparable to Biden spring to mind.
Warren then rapidly veered from the legalities of Biden’s student debt relief and instead focused on the tired old partisan battle between Democrats and Republicans.
“This is one of the clearest differences between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats, led by Joe Biden, are out there saying, ‘we hear you on what it’s like to get crushed by student loan debt. We know what that means and so we’re here to try to help.’ The Republicans? They got nothin,’” Warren sneered.
Funny. As “nothin” seemed to be the Democrats platform going into the midterm elections, which featured quite surprising results.
“The only people that they’re willing to fight for are billionaires and billionaire corporations and conspiracy theorists. Democrats fight for working people and when we fight for working people, we win,” Warren blared.
Sure, Senator.
Unlike Warren, the Pacific Legal Foundation, which issued a lengthy commentary regarding the illegality of Biden’s vote-buying scheme, could easily “codify” Biden’s nonsense.
Noting that cancellation of student debt was “a central plank of Biden’s platform in his 2020 presidential campaign,” the legal institute observed how Biden violated the most basic of basic legal precedents when engaging on his pre-midterms vote buying campaign.
“In August, Biden unveiled his plan to grant up to $20,000 in loan forgiveness to 40 million student debtors. He didn’t bother “signing it with a pen,” announcing the program to grant more than $400 billion by press release – forgoing even the notice-and-comment procedures ordinarily required by law,” the legal institute noted.
Not only that, but the Biden administration’s legal justification was beyond comical.
“Biden’s team points to a 2003 law, the HEROES Act, that allowed the government to modify loans to assist military personnel and their families during war or national emergencies,” the institute continued.
Violation of checks and balances is bad enough, but effectively likening quite a few irresponsible woke college students to war veterans really takes the cake.
Most humorously of all, the Biden administration had the gall to use the COVID catastrophe as the “emergency” for cancelling student debt that had accrued for several years before the pandemic struck.
“They argue that the law empowers the president to cancel student debt due to the COVID-19 emergency. The text of the law defies that claim, and the ‘emergency’ claim is even shakier, given that Biden himself declared just a few weeks ago in a “60 Minutes” interview that the pandemic emergency is over,” the legal institute continued.
Way to go, Biden.
Maybe declare the emergency “over” long after the emergency has been exploited a thousand-fold for various federal directives.
One would think that at least one of the administration’s puppet masters would understand that one.
“Biden’s unilateral decision to sidestep Congress and add hundreds of billions of dollars to the already crushing national debt, without public comment or legislative consideration, is a serious abuse of executive power,” the legal institute coolly observed.
And the mainstream media loved to rail against Trump’s alleged abuse of power … in perhaps one of the most obvious examples, ever, of the pot calling the kettle black.
Author: Jane Jones

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