All of the sudden the White House’s massive investment in the IRS makes vastly more sense.
While most assumed that Emperor Biden was investing heavily in the federal agency in order to claw as many pennies as possible from the increasingly suffocated middle class, a few others suspected that the so-called investment may have additionally nefarious intentions.
Such as openly bribing the agency to turn a blind eye to Hunter Biden’s abysmal absence of regard for following the law, never mind paying taxes.
And, surprise, surprise, the Biden administration has weaponized another federal agency for political favors.
Apparently, the extent of the weaponization and manipulation is so bad that certain experienced agents could not stomach the continued destruction of the American government, which is precisely why a high level IRS whistleblower has recently decided to reveal the degree to which Biden is openly bullying the agency to do his (corrupt) will.
As declared by the whistleblower’s attorney, Mark D. Lytle, the intention is for the whistleblower to testify before Congress, especially as Congress is leading an active investigation into the degree to which the Biden administration is severely compromised by foreign interests.
“My goal is to ensure that my client can properly share his lawfully protected disclosures with congressional committees. Thus, I respectfully request that your committees work with me to facilitate sharing this information with Congress legally and with the fully informed advice of counsel,” Lyte announced.
Lyte also made it clear that the IRS whistleblower has extensive experience, which means he knows that something is terribly rotten in the state of Denmark.
“My client is a career law enforcement officer who is respected within the IRS and he teaches other agents how to properly do investigations … He knows when to spot when investigative steps aren’t done in a traditional way to get to the truth,” Lyte added.
And the Biden family knows atypical ways of getting rich, like selling out the United States.
Even more troublingly, the highest levels of the Biden administration are involved as well, as detailed by radio host Mark Simone.
“Major breaking news – a whistleblower exposes a deep cover up in the Hunter Biden investigation and involvement of Merrick Garland in it and, of course, corrupt Lester Holt doesn’t even mention it on the evening news,” Simone intoned.
In other words, mainstream media is going to keep trying to bury stories on the Biden family.
Heck, Hunter could probably become a mass shooter and that would get buried too.
Former Missouri attorney general candidate Will Scharf noted how dangerously irresponsible the media is with regards to the blatant Hunter Biden coverup.
“They cover up Hunter Biden’s many real crimes. And they indict President Trump over fake crimes. Are you watching? The left is so hell-bent on winning that they’re eroding the rule of law and trying to turn us into a banana republic,” Scharf said in disgust.
Exactly what Soros and other globalists invested in.
Of course, Hunter Biden’s lawyer is apparently as clueless as he is.
“It is a felony for an IRS agent to improperly disclose information about an ongoing tax investigation. The IRS has incredible power, and abusing that power by targeting, embarrassing, or disclosing information about a private citizen’s tax matters undermines Americans’ faith in the federal government,” Hunter’s attorney, Chris Clark, sniffed.
Interesting, Mr. Clark. Trying to turn things around on the whistleblower?
Here’s food for thought: Biden has long been “abusing that power” of half a century (literally) in the swamp, the horrible effects of which everyone is seeing now.
Author: Jane Jones

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