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440,000+ Students Starve Over Teacher Union Tantrum

For all their obsession with progression, liberals sure do cause a lot of damage in their various protests, otherwise known as violent tantrums.

One of the latest tantrums comes from none other than California, one of the undisputed winners of utterly absurd (and totally manufactured) culture wars. With California nearly always on the losing end, these days.

Apparently, after taking two years off from in-person work during COVID, as schools were apparently less essential than strip clubs in the so-called “Golden State,” teachers in Los Angeles have decided it’s a great idea to go on strike for three days.

Apparently, they are demanding higher pay as a result of rising living costs, and they are willing to literally shut schools down in order to demand more money.

Ironically, a huge percentage of these teachers, in all likelihood, religiously vote Democrat, then turn around and rant and rave when terrible Democrat policies lead to rising cost of living.

Strong sense is hardly one of the strongest traits of the Dems.

And, as these teachers continued their (paid) protest, over 440,000 students missed lunch and hundreds of thousands of families found themselves in even more precarious positions, as they, in all likelihood, cannot afford to miss work as easily as woke teachers do.

So much for caring about families and struggling communities.

Clearly, California has steadily lost its mind with regards to education during the pandemic, as evidenced by more than one absurd situation has emerged from the state.

After all, who could forget the state’s attack on “racist” math?

Rather pitifully, a quick visit to the official webpage of the state’s official mathematics framework is quite frightening.

After all, the very first chapter is named “Mathematics for All: Purpose, Understanding, and Connection.”

Translation: Hardworking students and non-hardworking students should receive the exact same treatment, which means the former is continuously dragged down to the level of the latter.

In addition, advanced math is apparently racist, as implied in the first chapter itself.

“Further, the race-, class-, and gender-based differences among those who pursue more advanced mathematics make it clear that messages students receive about who belongs in mathematics are often associated with race, socioeconomic status, language, and gender,” the framework trilled.

Wow. No reference whatsoever to work ethic and academic dedication. Sad.

The second chapter is named “Teaching for Equity and Engagement.”

Translation: Even more absurd nonsense about how racist math apparently is.

Here’s one of the (many) gems:

“How does a teacher create an equitable and engaging mathematics environment that supports all students, from students with little experience in a mathematical practice or content area to those who are already proficient, from those who are just learning English to those who are native speakers, and for all students who learn in a wide variety of ways?”


“From those who are just learning English.”

Translation: Illegal migrants.

When leftist California teachers want to be “inclusive,” they mean really inclusive, regardless of legal status.

Meanwhile, students in advanced math classes are effectively singled out as elitists, as if taking AP Calculus in the twenty-first century is at all comparable to being an indolent European royal heir from centuries past.

Only Democrats are deluded enough to claim that taking difficult, highly intensive math courses as a teenager, thereby sacrificing precious free time, is somehow “white privilege.”

Whatever happened to good, old fashioned, hard work?

Author: Jane Jones

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