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80,000 Obama “Dreamers” Busted For Series Of Violent Crimes

Way to go, Obama.

Indeed, two Obama terms have become the gift that keeps on giving, if the steady unraveling of the nation is considered to be a “gift” to some.

As most law-abiding Americans are wearily aware, Obama is very well known for being a major advocate of mass illegal migration, as evidenced by some of the policies he advocated during his time in office, as well as afterwards.

One of the “signature pieces” of Obama’s legislation was the passage of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) plan, which was created via executive order in 2012.

In other words, Obama effectively disregarded legislative input from Congress and the Senate, which is not surprising when considering the more controversial aspects of the plan.

Under the auspices of Obama’s ill intentions, DACA was created to prevent the deportation of minors who were brought into the country illegally by their parents.

Regardless of whatever risk said minors might pose against the nation.

After all, quite a few illegals are dangerous well before the age of 16, and, as it turns out, quite a few – as in tens of thousands – of Obama’s “Dreamers” hardly constitute the ideal of a prosperous future for America.

Especially as DACA flagrantly violates existing legislation regarding migration, but Obama was never one to allow a little thing like federal or state law thwart his America-destroying ambitions.

Now, recent reports have revealed just how devastating Obama’s “Dreamers” program has truly been.

As observed by the New York Post, from June 2012 to October 2019, 765,166 of 888,818 DACA requestors were approved … including 79,398 who were approved with criminal records.

Over 10 percent of DACA requestors already had criminal records at the time of their request, yet the Dems’ devious “citizenship” program was provided to them anyway.

Within all in five years of the passage of DACA, nearly 80,000 of Obama’s “Dreamers” had arrest records, yet they were released into the United States anyway.

The majority of the arrestees were between the ages 19 and 22 at the time of their arrest, per data recently published by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

And these offenses were hardly the offenses committed by “contributing members of society,” as the Obama “Dreamers” like to portray themselves.

Indeed, the data breakdown of approved DACA requestors includes the following troubling trends:

  • Approximately 13,000 arrests for immigration-related criminal and civil offenses
  • Approximately 8,000 arrests for theft and larceny
  • Approximately 7,000 arrests for drug-related crimes
  • Approximately 4,200 arrests for DUIs or DWIs
  • Approximately 3,400 arrests for battery
  • Approximately 3,300 arrests for assault
  • Approximately 3,000 arrests for obstruction, fabrication, and false claims.

Highly contributing members of society, indeed.

Unless, of course, they are contributing to the abject decline of American society, an outcome that Obama does not seem overtly opposed to.

In fact, the rapid decline of American society has also become a hallmark under Obama’s third term via Biden, which of course has been steered by the globalists that put Obama in power in the first place.

One thing is for certain: The crime statistics for Obama’s “Dreamers” are likely to further escalate well into the near future.

Barring a mass deportation movement, which has been long in the making.

Author: Jane Jones

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