What is it with Fani Willis and her thieving associates?
It was bad enough that Willis and her “lover” Nathan Wade did a bunch of elitist wine tastings in Pelosi’s territory on the taxpayers’ dime.
Now, it seems that other associates of the anti-Trump judge have been busted in a massive amount of fraud.
Of course, much like Willis, they either are or were in prosecutorial positions, and every single one of them is a DEI pick.
Go figure.
Perhaps they are “diverse” in appearance but they’re all the same in terms of their greed, coupled with a high degree of stupidity.
As reported by The Blaze, one of Willis’s associates, Shelitha Robertson, was especially stupid, considering that she found it appropriate to blow $15M on suspect purchases.
Indeed, the former assistant city attorney of Atlanta obtained approximately $15 million in COVID relief loans.
This relief was acquired through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which was ostensibly designed for helping struggling businesses.
Of course, if the Dems really cared about struggling businesses, they would have never done indefinite lockdowns in the first place.
Which further enriched Big Tech Bros, who in turn donate big time to Dem Super PACs.
Super swampy system.
And some of the swamp creatures clearly aren’t the most intellectually gifted, given Ms. Shelitha’s outrageous purchases.
Apparently, Shelitha felt the need to obtain taxpayer-funded “relief” through her purchase of a 10-carat diamond ring, Rolls Royce, and motorbike.
Talk about obvious. Heck, drug dealers are usually more discrete than that.
U.S. Attorney Ryan K. Buchanan was not amused by Robertson’s taxpayer-funded Rollys Royce, which doesn’t really seem to be necessary for preserving a business, much less American jobs.
Aside from the job of the Rolls Royce salesman, that is.
“Motivated by greed, Robertson deceptively obtained funds that were designated to provide emergency financial relief to struggling small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic …
We will continue to work with our law enforcement partners to investigate and prosecute criminals who stole pandemic relief funds,” Buchanan remarked in disgust.
Naturally, Robertson is an ally of Fani Willis, who has made it her life’s mission to go after a man – Trump – who’s done everything while she’s done nothing.
Nothing aside from leech off of taxpayers and demonstrate general incompetence, that is.
Amazingly, Robertson has now been sentenced to jail for seven years.
Though in corrupt Fulton County, she may well be qualified for “early release” in exchange for lying – err, “testifying” – against Trump in court.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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