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Biden Blows Off Five Democrat Mayors Over Illegal Migrants

Talk about the chickens coming home to roost.

It wasn’t too long ago that former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki dismissed Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s migrant bussing strategy as a “stunt.”

Well, that “stunt” had the desired effect, as multiple Democrat mayors have officially freaked out over the arrival of thousands of migrants to their respective “sanctuary cities.”

Exactly what did they expect after rolling out the red carpet for migrants, chiefly by offering multiple taxpayer-funded long-term luxury hotel stays? Literally no nation, outside of those under woke governance, would adopt such an asinine policy.

Now, all the Democrat mayors are raging over the fact that they’ve put themselves in yet another multibillion-dollar hole, to the extent they’ve apparently sacrificed key social services to American citizens and legal immigrants in favor of coddling illegals.

Most sensible mayors would have long since ended such an absurd “sanctuary” city policy, but not the Dems.

Instead, they are demanding federal billions for allegedly fixing a mess that they intentionally created. And they’ve put that laughable demand in writing.

The mayors of Denver, Chicago, Houston, New York, and Los Angeles wrote an absurd letter to the Biden administration, making demands that frankly bugger belief.

“While we are greatly appreciative of the additional federal funding proposed, our city budgets and local taxpayers continue to bear the brunt of this ongoing federal crisis … Cities have historically absorbed and integrated new migrants with success,” the mayors declared.

Yeah. Tell that to all the families of the Americans who overdosed on fentanyl procured from countless illegal drug dealers. Real “success.”

The letter becomes even worse when the mayors openly admit to cutting essential city services for Americans in favor of coddling illegals.

“Our cities need additional resources that far exceed the amount proposed in order to properly care for the asylum seekers entering our communities … Relying on municipal budgets is not sustainable and has forced us to cut essential city services,” the letter continued.

Considering that hordes of individuals have fled New York City and Los Angeles during the pandemic, it is little wonder that municipal budgets are “not sustainable.”

However, the Democrats apparently don’t realize that all the billions in the world will never be enough to satisfy the relentless masses coming … Or they do, and simply don’t care.

One thing is for sure: It’s despicable that Dems are demanding federal funds to continue violating federal law with their “sanctuary cities.”

Outside of their asinine letter, the mayors have also whined to any media outlet willing to listen.

“The crisis is we have folks here who desperately want to work. And we have employers here who desperately want to hire them. And we have a federal government that’s standing in the way of employers who want to hire employees who want to work,” Denver Mayor Mike Johnston declared.

Actually, Mr. Johnson, the “crisis” arose from creating a “sanctuary city” in the first place. Exactly why should illegal migrants who don’t even bother to follow the (yearslong) legal procedure to arrive in the nation be prioritized over others who do manage to follow the law?

Moreover, since when is the United States obligated to hand out jobs like candy bars to anyone who claims they want one?

Unsurprisingly, President Biden appears to have not even acknowledged the letter, never mind agreeing to a joint meeting with the five raging Democrats.

Perhaps one of the actually sensible things he’s done so far, really. After all, he blew off Texas’s request for federal help for years, which is precisely why Abbott commenced his bussing strategy in the first place.

Granted, Abbott is dealing with millions of illegals, whereas Democrat mayors are dealing with thousands.

Nonetheless, it’s nice to know that Biden equally ignores Republican and Democrat states alike with regards to illegal mass migration.

However, If Biden apparently can’t achieve unity within his own party, then it seems increasingly implausible that his regime will ever achieve unity within the country.

Author: Jane Jones

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