“Overall, it was just a straight-up conversation.”
So declared Democrat Senator John Fetterman during a recent appearance on “The View,” otherwise known as one of the most ultra-woke, out-of-touch shows in existence.
That said, Fetterman, a rebel Democrat with a cause, is clearly nonplussed by the prospect of “The View,” given he already defied his own party by daring to express bipartisan sentiments with President Donald Trump.
And meeting with Trump in Florida.
As reported by Fox News, Fetterman made it abundantly clear to the sniveling co-host that he has no intention of being “that guy” that is so rabid with hate towards Trump that he forgets to serve his constituents.
“I’m not that guy. I’m not going to be that Democrat. For me, you know, there’s things I’m going to agree with, I’m going to disagree with, but I’m in the business of finding wins for Pennsylvania and for the nation, and engaging the president – I see that as doing my job,” Fetterman asserted.
How sensible. A real shame that other Democrats do not adopt a similarly cooperative tone.
Co-host Ana Navarro, of course, could not openly contest bipartisanship, so she decided to whine about the meeting location.
“I understand the need for bipartisanship. I didn’t love the optics of you going to Mar-a-Lago,” Navarro whined.
“I think it’s pretty reasonable to have a conversation,” Fetterman replied pointedly.
Fetterman also failed to act outraged by Trump’s various executive actions and executive orders, especially considering that the actions and orders are a direct reflection of what Trump said he would do in the first place.
“Honestly, I haven’t been surprised by anything now. I mean, he’s been doing essentially what he actually campaigned on. He announced he is going to pardon the January 6 individuals. He is absolutely going to go after the border,” Fetterman asserted.
Without a doubt. And he will surely torpedo other Democrats unwisely attempting to subvert those efforts – like Mayor “Brandon” Johnson of Chicago.
“So, there’s a lot of things that he’s already ran on. I criticize a lot of it, and I don’t agree with everything either, but it’s undeniable he actually ran on that and been really upfront. He’s like, ‘I am your retribution,’ and, you know, he’s kind of making those moves,” Fetterman continued.
In other words, the essence of the “democracy” that Democrats claim to be so obsessed with.
Agree to disagree, in other words, while working towards mutually agreeable situations.
And, speaking of retribution, a separate Fox News report noted that Fetterman likely sent the former Biden-Harris administration into a boiling rage when he admitted what most people were already deeply suspicious of – the deliberate political persecution of Trump.
Co-host Sunny Hostin, who is perhaps one of the most obnoxious co-hosts of all, directly challenged Fetterman on his perception of political weaponization of the court system during Biden’s tenure.
“Just for clarification, did you mean that the 34-count case in which Donald Trump was found guilty of various financial crimes was politically motivated here in New York?” Hostin inquired.
“I found that when the judicial system gets weaponized and targets political enemies for political gain, I think that’s inappropriate,” Fetterman retorted, “I think that degrades our collective trust in this very important institution, whether that’s a Democrat going after a Republican, or a Republican going after a Democrat. I like to call it strikes and balls, but the judicial system has to remain impartial. I mean, that’s really the cornerstone of our society.”
Apparently, all the hosts of “The View” – not to mention Biden administration officials – were either completely shocked or completely livid.
Or both.
The rage likely further continued as Fetterman continued to praise his meeting with Trump.
“I think overall it was a positive experience. I mean, he was – he was kind. He was cordial. It wasn’t in a – in any kind of theater, it wasn’t trying to get your picture taken to put something out on social media. It was really just a conversation,” Fetterman proclaimed.
Love how he identifies Trump as “kind.” Absolutely awesome, and totally contrary to the mainstream media narrative.
Then again, Fetterman is likely becoming deeply fed up with all the melodrama within the party.
Just consider his remarks this past November.
“We’re not even at Thanksgiving, and Democrats just can’t stop losing our minds every fifteen minutes. We really need to pace ourselves, or, you know, … [for f—‘s sake], just grab a grip,” Fetterman declared in disgust.
Way to put the whiny Democrats in their place.
And, moving forward, Fetterman is attempting to influence the followers of “The View” to demonstrate more kindness and less hate.
Like Trump, in other words.
“I hope, maybe you [who] are watching, you’re tired of just the venom and the hate, and it’s like, I’d want more bipartisan kinds of things,” Fetterman declared to the audience of “The View.”
Imagine how much more peaceful politics could be if people dared to be bipartisan.
Fortunately, Fetterman is spearheading the way towards more civil dialogue …
Author: Jane Jones

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