Leave it to the Biden regime to allow upwards of 75,000 known terrorism suspects to cross the border, as reported by The Blaze.
Apparently, between October 2022 and August 2023, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) flagged upwards of 75,000 illegal migrants as being potential threats to national security.
Specifically, these illegal migrants were labeled as “SIA Encounters,” also known as “Special Interest Aliens.”
Per the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) itself, an SIA is a “non-U.S. person” who may “[pose] a national security risk to the United States or its interests.”
“Often such individuals or groups are employing travel patterns known or evaluated to possibly have a nexus to terrorism. DHS analysis includes an examination of travel patterns, points of origin, and/or travel segments that are tied to current assessments of national and international threat environments,” the DHS declared.
Oh, wow, 75,000 illegals with a possible “nexus to terrorism.” By all means, keep the borders wide open!
The DHS also noted that the behavior and travel patterns of select individuals may “[indicate] a possible nexus to nefarious activity (including terrorism) and, at a minimum, provides indicators that necessitate heightened screening and further investigation.”
What a shame that the Biden regime fails to care about either “heightened screening” or “further investigation.”
On the contrary, the Biden regime has opted to reduce military presence at the border, further emboldening illegals.
“This does not mean that all SIAs are ‘terrorists,’” the DHS added.
Ah, of course. Just illegal migrants with a potential connection to the “nexus of terrorism.”
Even worse, the staggering 75,000 illegal terrorism suspects, a number that has been obviously underreported by the mainstream media, marks a significant escalation over the past two years.
During the fiscal year of 2022, a total of 25,627 SIA encounters were reported, showing that the Biden regime has succeeded in tripling the negative arrivals over the course of a year.
However, these negative numeric impacts become even clearer when looking at SIA arrivals shortly after Trump left office.
during the fiscal year of 2021, a total of 3,675 SIA encounters occurred, showing that he Biden regime and its terrible border policies have increased known SIA entrants by a nearly 25x degree.
One can only imagine how many illegal SIAs are slipping by the increasingly limited border patrol presence, especially as the Biden regime has made it abundantly clear that terrorists and criminals of all persuasions are deeply welcomed.
A former immigration judge weighed in on the crisis, noting that the federal government is deliberately blocking monthly data from being released with regards to migrant entries, allowing Americans only to see annual data.
“The only reason why ICE and OFO [Office of Field Operations] would refuse to disclose that information is to hide the fact that it is releasing more than 100,000 aliens per month into the United States and to conceal the effects of those migrant releases on communities across the United States,” former judge Andrew Arthur asserted.
At this rate, the “effects” won’t be concealed for long.
In fact, the “effects” are already evident when evaluating the massive increase in drug overdoses across the nation … courtesy of the big cartels and Big Pharma industry the current occupants of the White House choose to back.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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