Note to White House handlers: Keep Biden away from pubs.
After all, he apparently just can’t help himself when loudly boasting about the dubious friendships he’s apparently crafted as a so-called representative of the American people, alongside his random commentary on his heritage that he implicitly shames whenever he riles up racially biased commentary.
However, while he may trumpet for BLM in the United States, Biden has suddenly become intensely proud of his Irish heritage … when in Ireland.
Talk about the ultimate opportunist.
Indeed, Biden suddenly became the world’s biggest fan of the Irish at the Windsor Bar and Restaurant.
“I’ve often said the Irish are the only people who are nostalgic about the future. In my experience hope is what beats in the heart of all people, particularly the heart of the Irish,” Biden brayed.
Well, how about that.
What happened to all the identity politics Biden is so fixated upon? What about all the “white privilege” he claims to be so concerned about? Why can’t he be this positive about British or European heritage when he is within the United States?
“Every action is about hope that we can make things better, hope to build both our nations that has been passed down generation to generation by our families. And it’s hope that continues to this day,” Biden rambled.
Well, Biden has set up a trend from “generation to generation,” that’s for sure.
Unfortunately, from father to son, that trend seems to entail a huge number of highly shady international “deals.”
And, after waxing poetically about the Irish heritage he barely acknowledges in the United States, Biden then proceeded to make a remarkable series of recycled claims on none other than Chinese President Xi Jinping.
“I spent more time with him than any world leader has over the last 10 years … and I was in the Tibetan plateau with him and traveled 17, 000 miles in China over 10 years,” Biden bragged.
That’s interesting. Considering that Putin and Xi have reportedly met dozens upon dozens of times over the past few years.
Probably comparing notes on Hunter.
“And he asked me to define America… and I can say the same of Ireland … I can. Yes, I can in one word: possibilities. Anything is possible if we set our mind to it. That’s who we are,” Biden prattled on.
Anything is “possible” all right … including Biden receiving an alleged 81 million votes following a largely basement-based campaign, sprinkled with periodic car rallies of maybe 50 vehicles, half of which belonged to biased press.
It’s also quite “possible” to become obscenely rich, all for the price of selling the nation out to foreign adversaries, a la Obama.
But, by all means, Biden, continue to give away the demented plot by drunkenly bragging about Tibetan excursions with the world’s most infamous communist leader.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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