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Biden Uses Strange Negotiation Tactic In High Profile “Ceasefire”

Biden just engaged in one of the strangest moves a world leader has taken in public yet.

Given the strangeness of many world leaders, that’s saying something.

After all, Canada’s Trudeau declared that truckers were apparently a threat to national security, while France’s Macron more recently proclaimed that Western boots may go on the ground in Ukraine, in order to allegedly defeat Russia.

Biden, however, took things to an entirely new strange level, chiefly by announcing a so-called “ceasefire” between Hamas and Israel.

Much to the surprise of Israel, Hamas, and Qatar, the prime negotiator between the two factions.

The entities were even more taken aback by the fact that Biden made these proclamations while casually chomping away on an ice cream cone.

“Well, I hope by the beginning of the weekend, I mean the end of the weekend … My national security advisor says we’re close, we’re not done yet. My hope is by next Monday, we’ll have a ceasefire,” Biden proclaimed while chomping away at his ice cream cone.

Apparently, Biden thinks casually eating ice cream while announcing a nonexistent ceasefire is sound foreign policy.

Unsurprisingly, Biden’s antics sent multiple individuals into a frenzy, as tirelessly detailed by the Daily Mail.

“I still can’t believe they had Joe Biden explain the situation in Israel while eating an ice cream cone. We still have American hostages in Gaza. Just insane tone deafness,” Clay Travis, a conservative talk radio host, remarked.

Well, tone deafness has been evident from the start.

Heck, Biden shelled out a grand total of $700 per family in Maui, while illegal migrants in New York enjoy “free” housing, alongside $1,000+ monthly in cash.

That’s rather “tone deaf,” to put it mildly.

Republican Representative Wesley Hunt also noted Biden’s strange absence from the Oval Office, especially when babbling about so-called ceasefires.

“Joe Biden has more press conferences in ice cream parlors than at the White House … Check out his latest masterclass,” Hunt drawled.

“Masterclass.” Too funny … and too (sarcastically) true.

Jake Tapper of CNN had to be appear more demure, given that the Communist News Network must be militantly Democrat, no matter how impractical such a position is.

“That’s a big announcement from the president to be given in an ice cream shop,” Tapper drawled.

That’s one way of putting it.

At minimum, it’s indicative of the fact that Biden is every bit as far gone as the global community has long since deduced.

“I’ve never seen a world leader make such an important announcement whilst licking an ice cream. Makes you wonder just how far gone he really is,” one UK-based commenter remarked.

Very, very far.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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