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Braindead Dems Let Cartels Cackle All The Way To The Bank

Since their inception, sanctuary cities are perhaps one of the Democrat Party’s most braindead policies to date.

Indeed, judging from a recent report from The Blaze, quite a few migrants are literally not only living it up on the taxpayers’ dime, but also making enough money from illegal drug sales to build entire houses back in their home countries.

Contributing to Americans’ overdoses all along the way, with fentanyl fresh from China.

The reason is because, in San Francisco, it’s like you’re here in Honduras,” he explained.

“The law, because they don’t deport, that’s the problem … Many look for San Francisco because it’s a sanctuary city. You go to jail and you come out,” the drug dealer bragged.

In other words, zero-bail and utterly lax law enforcement have created a cartel-driven monster.

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“San Francisco gives me the money, the free money … San Francisco is my city,” another drug dealer bragged.

“Free” money. Wow.

What a deeply distressing, yet unsurprising, report.

Is it any wonder that San Francisco is also grappling with one of the worst homeless crises and worst drug overdose epidemics in the entire nation?

In other words, braindead Democrat policies are directly linked to serious social ills that Dems themselves denounce, clearly not connecting the rather obvious dots?

It simply buggers belief that cartels and their associates are becoming filthy rich off of braindead Democrat policies, especially during periods of immense economic struggle for most Americans.

For starters, it’s hard to see precisely how sanctuary cities are even legal, if federal law theoretically supersedes state law or local ordinances anyway.

After all, Dems are clamoring for federal laws on abortion in order to prevent red states from passing varied forms of more restrictive legislation regarding abortion, precisely for the fact that federal law tends to supersede state law.

Why the Dems are allowed to get away with blatantly ignoring federal law regarding immigration remains a deep mystery to many.

Secondly, even if the sanctuary cities were remotely based in legalities, they are certainly not based in practicalities.

After all, if a city openly invites hordes of non-English speaking, non-law-following migrants to its overcrowded facilities, offering all kinds of “free stuff” in exchange for allegiance to the Democrats for life, is it any wonder that the illegals are hardly amongst the most productive on the planet?

Especially when the same illegals are literally contributing to the ongoing drug epidemic in the formerly golden state?

Even more egregiously, talented foreign workers who may actually drive value to the American economy face massive red tape when attempting to secure a work visa, while illegal drug dealers who likely don’t speak English continue to sail back and forth across the border.

It appears that Vice President Kamala Harris has long since abdicated her responsibilities at the border, but if she ever bothers to re-engage again, perhaps she will address the real “root causes” of the border crisis: braindead Democrat policies.

Author: Jane Jones

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