Well, the militant feminists demanded a “Summer of Rage,” and it looks like such a summer is already starting off on a horrific note, given that a deranged (and armed) man intent on harming Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was just arrested … after making it all the way outside the justice’s home.
Lefties who revealed all Kavanaugh’s personal information online must be so proud of themselves.
Supreme Court Public Information Officer Patricia McCabe weighed in on the disturbing development, providing the briefest of commentary.
“The man was armed and made threats against Justice Kavanaugh. He was transported to Montgomery County Police 2nd District,” McCabe said crisply.
One can only hope that the individual is not released any time soon, for the sake of national stability.
One can also hope that this terrible situation serves as a major wakeup call to snowflakes who apparently think life is a video game without real consequences.
Especially when they get super self-righteous and publish a Supreme Court justice’s private home information online, all in a totally undemocratic effort to bully them into making the decision they want … never mind the solution that’s best for the nation, not to mention the Constitution.
Carrie Severino of Judicial Crisis Network underscores precisely why lefties’ tactics are becoming increasingly bold, and increasingly dangerous.
“This is why leaks are dangerous. This is why doxxing justices is a bad idea. This is why justices’ homes should be off limits,” Severino warned.
Seriously. Can’t a law of some kind be passed against doxxing?
Regardless, several other implications are associated with this dreadful doxxing event, as noted by Severino.
“This is why the Court must release the Dobbs opinion as soon as possible. This is not, to quote the Chief Justice, ‘business as usual’ at the Court. The threat to the justices is not theoretical,” Severino continued, “until the opinion is finally released, the justices are in grave danger.”
Tragically, the justices may remain in grave danger if they hold fast to their likely decision, as revealed in the leaked draft, especially as protestors have shown limited respect for life, especially life that happens to disagree with them politically.
Unless, of course, Biden finally acquires the gumption needed to tell leftists that violence against Supreme Court justices really is not ok.
It’s actually quite sad that the president has to be begged to protect his own Supreme Court.
Unless, of course, he wants to pack it with his own picks, which will undoubtedly come straight from dark money bought-and-paid-for AOC.
Leading Severino to issue an open plea to Biden.
“It’s time to stop appeasing the radicals in your party. Protests belong in the public square, not at justices’ private homes. Will you finally condemn them?” Severino pleaded.
One recommendation: Do not hold one’s breath while waiting for Biden to respond.
After all, when four vicious college-aged snowflakes stalked Democrat Senator Krysten Sinema into the bathroom, demanding that she give illegals effective amnesty, Biden dismissed the behavior, undoubtedly emboldening the far left.
Since Sinema, along with Democrat Senator Joe Manchin, refused to play ball with Biden’s gargantuan, multi-trillion spending dollar package, the president apparently considered open attacks and open threats on both moderates just fine.
So one can only imagine how he feels about a conservative Supreme Court justice.
Never mind a conservative one.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell certainly feels rightfully angered by Democrats dragging their feet over Supreme Court protection.
Particularly Democrats in the House, who apparently refuse to pass the Supreme Court Police Parity Act of 2022, a bill that would extend police protection to the family members of Supreme Court justices, alongside “any officer of the Supreme Court if the Marshal determines such protection is necessary.”
“House Democrats have spent weeks blocking it. The House Democratic majority has refused to take it up. That needs to change – right now. House Democrats must pass this bill and they must do it today,” McConnell declared.
For every House Democrat that does not pass the bill, one can only assume that they indirectly condone the travesty unfolding across the nation, as the actions of the far left are vastly more appropriate in a totalitarian state.
Which they undoubtedly seek, a viewpoint further supported by McConnell’s additional commentary.
“House Democrats need to stop their multi-week blockade against the Supreme Court security bill and pass it before the sun sets today,” McConnell proclaimed.
A multi-week blockade regarding desperately needed protection for Supreme Court justices under threat only after a leak occurred in the first place.
A leak that in all likelihood originated from a Dem, knowing what would unfold.
Now House Dems appear unwilling to provide additional protection to Supreme Court justices, though the most anti-police ones will demand hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer funded security.
Things that make you go “hm” …
Especially since Senate Democrats apparently had no issue passing the bill near immediately.
“This is exactly why the Senate passed legislation very shortly after the leak to enhance the police protection for the Justices and their families. This is commonsense, noncontroversial legislation that passed this chamber unanimously,” McConnell declared.
Well, AOC isn’t in the Senate; she’s in the house, and she, in all likelihood, is one of the virulent representatives engaging in the multi-week blockade.
After all, she’s too busy demanding the “codification” of abortion, alongside communist Bernie Sanders.
And she certainly didn’t condemn the leaker … If anything, she praised them.
Much to McConnell’s dismay.
“This is exactly the kind of event that many feared that terrible breach of the Court’s rules and norms could fuel,” McConnell warned, “this is exactly the kind of event that many worried the unhinged, reckless, apocalyptic rhetoric from prominent figures toward the Court, going back many months, and especially in recent weeks, could make more likely.”
Yet “tolerant” leftists are promising a “Summer of Rage.”
Be careful what you wish for, lefties …
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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