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Gov. Kemp Wallops Lawless DAs With Massive Wakeup Call

Georgia is on fire!

The state recently made headlines for banning the nefarious influence of Facebook and other outside entities in Georgia’s elections, especially given Big Tech’s rather militant determination to put Democrats unilaterally in power.

Now, Governor Kemp has made another favorable move, chiefly by putting ultra-woke and ultra-dangerous district attorneys in their place.

While New York may entertain the Trump-obsessed DA Alvin Bragg while other states embrace a slew of other questionable characters, it is very clear that red states have had it with lawless Dems and their bizarre version of a utopian society.

Hence the passage of a new law in Georgia that empowers the state to relieve such lawless DAs of their duties.

Kemp made his feelings abundantly clear after approving the new law, encapsulated in SB 92.

“My No. 1 priority is public safety across our state,” Kemp proclaimed, “as hardworking law enforcement officers routinely put their lives on the line to investigate, confront, and arrest criminal offenders, I won’t stand idly by as they’re met with resistance from rogue or incompetent prosecutors who refuse to uphold the law. The creation of the PACQ will help hold prosecutors driven by out-of-touch politics than commitment to their responsibilities accountable and make our communities safer.”

Indeed, especially when wannabe progressive judges are in charge.

Indeed, SB 92 provides for the removal of DAs who engage in “willful misconduct in office,” which of course could include “willful and persistent failure to carry out statutory duties.”

You know, the statutory duties like actually pursuing criminals, rather than rewarding them.

The law also allows for prosecutors to be removed if their conduct is found to be “prejudicial to the administration of justice which brings the office into disrepute.”

Again, rewarding criminals while punishing victims.

In addition, SB 92 allows for the removal of judges who have “mental or physical incapacity that interferes with the performance of duties that is likely permanent,” and one can only dream of such a law being applied to Biden.

What a breath of fresh air in Georgia, especially when evaluating the unmitigated disasters in less thoughtful states.

Just consider Pamela Price, a “progressive” district attorney in Alameda County, California, who apparently thinks it’s just fine for literal killers of toddlers to walk free.

During a gang shootout that resulted in the death of a toddler, Price’s apparent primary concern was ensuring that none of the gang members did any prison time.

“We have not made any decisions about what charges to pursue or what not to pursue … We are still reviewing the case,” Price sniffed.

Oh, how comforting. Evaluating how many felonies can be knocked down to misdemeanors?

Price also offered ineffectual commentary for the victims suffering from terrible “progressive” policies.

“There’s nothing that our justice system can do that will relieve or remove the pain of losing their child … Nothing,” Price boomed.

Well, that’s nice, Price.

How about actually following the law and locking away utterly irredeemable gang members, especially those likely to kill again?

Though such a move would be far too logical in a state that has effectively rolled out the red carpet for criminals and illegals.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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