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Leftists Go Berserk On CNN Analyst

Looks like CNN analysts might finally be getting a taste of the hate they stir up aginat other people, judging from the extent to which CNN analyst Sara Sidner is being attacked by the left over a single tweet that she posted.

And what did this singular tweet say?

Well, really something quite remarkable and frankly practical for any journalist to examine, at least in part.

Clearly, Sidner, like most other remotely rational people, thinks it’s probably long past time that the president’s son keeps getting a pass, especially given the firestorm of conflict currently unfolding across the world.

Especially when Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg basically admits that the FBI forced him to bury the Hunter Biden story and the FBI director in question abruptly resigns right after Zuckerberg’s interview.

Considering Zuckerberg poured hundreds of millions of dollars into defeating Trump, it’s safe to say that his sudden confession is rather curious. Unless, of course, Zuckerberg suspects they’re likely to turn on him as well once they’re done with him.

Regardless, clearly a few too many high-profile incidents took place for Sidner to dismiss them entirely, which is precisely why Sidner indicated it may be time to ask some questions about Hunter on Twitter.

“There are serious questions that should be asked about Hunter Biden. He’s not an elected official but legitimate questions should be asked and answered about his former business dealings and how it was handled by the FBI. This shouldn’t be a partisan issue,” Sidner remarked calmly.

While this statement would be reasonable for anyone sensible, leftists surely are not sensible, as evidenced by the torrent of abuse Sidner quickly endured as soon as posting that one tweet.

“What is even happening??!! You’re infected too??” one Twitter user shrieked.

“Infected?” Wow. So, to a leftist, in order to question anything whatsoever about Emperor Biden, one apparently must be “infected.”


“I’m not infected. I’m a journalist,” Sidner replied in disbelief.

Another Twitter user attempted to be analytical, only for such an effort to fall rather flat.

“Also, if you search through your tweets, this is the first time you’ve posted about him. Why now? The timing is interesting. That’s all I’m saying,” the Twitter user sniffed.

Well, the timing is actually quite logical, as Sidner points out.

“Why now is because of what has just come out this week. I’m curious that’s all. FBI agent quitting and Zuckerberg comments,” Sidner replied with bemusement.

In other words, the timing isn’t “interesting” at all, given the dual events of Zuckerberg and the FBI resignation.

Not like leftists are terribly good at connecting the dots, that is.

Some even more interesting Twitter users, which may well be the bots that Elon Musk was referring to, also attacked Sidner, including the rather humorously named “THEE Not Today Colonizer,” as if inspiration were taken straight from Obama himself.

“Woowwwwwwww, I knew the whole Licht thing was bad but didn’t know it was THIS bad. A real shame, I used to have so much respect for your work,” THEE blared.

“And one tweet changed that. So how much respect did you have again?” Sidner retorted in disbelief.

Sidner probably shouldn’t waste her time talking to paid bots, especially with names like that.

No wonder she outright ignored a couple of potential bots, including KAMALA Nation and Dark Brandice.

“Well, not you, too. Very, very disappointed at you. We all know the CNN directive is to both sides the story (‘Hey, I cover Jared too!’) but this is just beneath you. No one at CNN is salvageable,” KAMALA Nation boomed.

Heaven forbid an ounce of bipartisanship emerges on CNN once again. Apparently, lefties just can’t take it.

“Sara, you’re an embarrassment to journalism,” Dark Brandice snapped.

For daring to ask a question that journalists should have asked before Biden was “elected” president.

At a certain point, Sidner appeared totally overwhelmed by the barrage of leftist abuse, which was evident from one of her responses to the mob as a whole.

“Lord. Y’all are something. If you spent one moment looking at my feed. I question one thing you don’t like me questioning and I’m Fox?!?? Y’all are a trip,” Sidner exclaimed.

Sidner appears to just be getting a taste of what conservative Americans have endured for years … and they haven’t even mobbed her inside a restaurant yet.

Author: Jane Jones

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