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Liberal Journalists Pummel Poisonous Partisanship

Anyone else catch President Biden’s condemnation of the attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh? Anyone?

Oh, that’s right … no such condemnation emerged.

On the contrary, Biden’s handlers decided it was a great time to put him on Jimmy Kimmel’s moronic show, all for the president to insist that overturning Roe v. Wade would cause a “mini-revolution.”

You don’t say, Mr. President.

After all, a 26-year-old militant, Nicholas John Roske, has indeed decided to escalate such a revolution by attempting to kill a Supreme Court justice, by his own demented admission.

The official FBI affidavit reveals that Roske determined his life’s “purpose” was to kill a Supreme Court justice.

Way to go, Biden. Some “unity” the president has brought to the nation.

However, perhaps what is the most disturbing of all is the fact that the increasingly fictional news media, alongside Biden himself, are completely ignoring a deeply disturbing development.

In fact, even liberal individuals, albeit individuals with a clear conscience, are calling the media out.

Nate Silver, a liberal statistician, noted that the leak itself did not cause the 26-year-old to storm to Kavanaugh’s home with intent to kill, despite the psychopath’s own admission that he was angered by the Roe v. Wade decision; however, Silver had the decency to remark that it was “crazy” the media is effectively blowing off the news.

“I don’t agree at all with blaming the leak for it, but yeah it’s sort of crazy that it’s not being treated as a bigger story (NYT homepage screenshot presented for posterity). There’s often more bias in which stories are deemed to be salient than how they’re written about,” Silver remarked.


Clearly, the attempted murder of a Court justice is not only not “salient” for the media, it downright contradicts their nonstop narrative of “far right violence.”

Except it’s the far left caught repeatedly committing violence.

Imagine the coverage that would ensue if any individual made any attempt on “Biden’s” Supreme Court Justice pick, Ms. “I can’t define a woman.” Which would also be beyond despicable, though at least an attempt would be covered by the media.

In fact, the media coverage would likely be endless, nonstop, and probably continue for the next five years, assuming the nation even makes it that far at its current rate.

Glenn Greenwald, a liberal journalist who enraged Obama by empowering NSA and CIA whistleblower Edward Snowden, also spoke plainly and clearly about extreme media bias.

“The FBI was very clear that Brett Kavanaugh’s would-be murderer was acting to advance standard Democratic Party/liberal dogma about Roe and gun control. He said he’d find purpose in killing Kavanaugh to advance that agenda. So of course it’s getting so little media attention,” Greenwald remarked.

Better watch out, Greenwald, before Twitter slaps a “disinformation” or “misinformation” warning on a post that’s all too conveniently true.

Senator Ted Cruz is even more blunt, clearly laying the grounds for impeachment.

“The Biden White House encouraged a federal crime. It’s illegal to protest and picket outside the home of a judge with an intent to influence the judge’s decision. Now a sick individual has been charged with attempted murder of Justice Kavanaugh,” Cruz declared.

In all likelihood, the White House will just attempt to redirect attention to January 6 hearings, rather than the current reality of an increasingly perilous situation for the Supreme Court.

Brian Riedl of the Manhattan Institute points out the tragedy unfolding across American politics today, chiefly the reality that the left absolutely does exactly what it accuses the right of doing.

“As someone who actually takes those norms seriously, the last 24 hours have been quite frustrating watching lefty politicians, reporters, and social media mobs laughingly violate so many of the very norms they relentlessly lecture conservatives about,” Riedl mused.

Yeah. Basic norms such as, “thou shalt not kill.”

Then again, what else does one expect from spiritually bankrupt California?

Riedl then proceeded to comment on the ultimate dogma guiding the Democrats: partisanship.

No matter how deadly, apparently.

“Partisanship above all. Progressive extremists spent 8 years writing ‘kill Bush’ fan fiction, shot Rep. Scalise, caused trillions in 2020 riot damage, & tried to kill Kavanaugh – all with their mob LOLing the whole way. And tomorrow they’ll resume lecturing the right on dangerous rhetoric and violence,” Riedl concluded.

Senator Elizabeth Warren further emphasized the extreme “partisanship above all” by making rather disgusting remarks on MSNBC in the wake of the tragedy.

“The idea that five extremists on the United States Supreme Court want to take us back to that world, want to treat women as second-class citizens., I see this as a moment it has got to be all hands-on deck, a whole of government response. I get it Congress could act, but we just don’t have the votes right now. So, we need the president of the United States to act.”

Oh, he acted all right.

Too bad it was joking about a “mini-revolution” on an obnoxious comedian’s late night show …

Author: Jane Jones

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