Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, otherwise known as Mr. Kamala Harris, has apparently decided to mimic his woke wife, along with the anti-conservative White House, in bashing parents who dare to care about the blatant indoctrination of their children occurring across taxpayer-funded schools.
Even more hideously, Mr. Harris decided it would be a great idea to link conservative parents to German Nazis.
“We need to support [refugees]. I met one woman who was saved in the Holocaust in Germany, settled in Ukraine, and is now a refugee again back in Berlin where she originally left as a Jew in the Holocaust,” Mr. Harris began.
Astonishingly, from this tragic anecdote, Mr. Kamala managed to lurch from detailing the plight of a genuine refugee to linking the same plight to conservative parents.
In fact, he had the gall to refer to Nazi Germany and conservative parents as “interconnected.”
“Hate is interconnected. You see it in the discourse in the country right now. You see it in the divide that we have. Just going to school meetings, you see that hate that is out there,” Mr. Harris brayed.
Wow. So raising concerns about children’s education is now equivalent to “hate.” Way to admit freedom of speech is tantamount to hatred for leftist loons.
Frankly, Mr. Kamala, who could really blame the parents for being upset?
Especially since quite a few woke teachers are apparently incapable of separating their responsibilities for teaching students and apparent obsession with sex.
In Oregon, a state hardly known for its booming economy though abundantly known for its rampant crime, a woke teacher apparently decided that having students who were absent from class could make up their allegedly missed coursework through writing about their “sexual fantasy.”
While this situation may seem unbelievable even to increasingly jaded traditionalists, it actually, and tragically, occurred, as reported by Fox News.
At the Unfortuantely named Churchill High School, some high school teacher actually posted the following “assignment” online, with the following instructions:
“For those students who were absent, you will write a short story of a paragraph or two. This story is a sexual fantasy that will have NO penetration of any kind or oral sex (no way of passing an STI). You will choose 3 items (romantic music, candles, massage oil, feather, feather boa, flavored syrup, etc.) to use in your story. Your story should show that you can show and receive loving physical affection without having sex.”
So, “no penetration” of any kind, but loads of massage oil, flavored syrup, and feather boas are totally fine. In fact, they appear to be a required element of the assignment.
What a tragedy that Winston Churchill’s last name serves as the namesake of this horrid center of “education.”
While this assignment would be inappropriate enough even in college, unless students are in some bizarre or perverse creative writing class, it is downright wrong in high school.
After all, of all the possible topics could have written about, that is what the teacher finds to be the most intellectually stimulating?
Would it not be strange for a teacher to look at the same students after reading about their so-called “fantasies?”
Would Mr. Harris prefer for his children to receive these types of “assignments?”
Oh, that’s right, all the elitist politicians’ kids are likely attending exclusive private schools while living in gated communities.
More than one parent is quite irate, and rightfully so, which Fox News also remarked upon.
“If an adult male asked my daughter to share her sexual fantasies with him, I would be livid and be going to the police. No teacher has any business asking this of a child,” the parent raged.
Furthermore, in such an utterly sex-obsessed media (and social media, and all the hideous variants of that), exactly why must the same dialogue fill impressionable teenagers’ minds?
How about something a bit higher level, like all the philosophical debates that occurred during the Age of Enlightenment, propelling the Western world forward to greater advancements than the world had ever witnessed before?
Oh, wait … that would require freedom of thought and freedom to speak (respectfully) without being “cancelled.”
Little wonder teachers have almost nothing to assign their students anymore in terms of actual content, especially if the real goal is for all students to graduate unable to read, unable to do basic arithmetic, and therefore unable to do much at all professionally … yet fully able to live their lives as paid protestors, further enhancing their “victim” mentality all the way.
Or, in even more unfortunate cases, the same students manage to ascend to Stanford Law School, where the alleged “brightest” of the generation throw a hysterical fit over a judge appointed by former President Donald Trump.
Those future “lawyers” will undoubtedly become additional tools (literally and metaphorically) of the Democrat regime, right alongside Ms. Kamala Harris.
Author: Jane Jones

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