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MSNBC Goes Mad Over Musk’s Citizenship Status

Democrats, who have long disregarded safety at the border, are suddenly interested in the legalities of citizenship now that Elon Musk has taken over their formerly preferred ideological echo chamber, otherwise known as Twitter.

That’s right: Democrats apparently want to challenge Musk’s American citizenship for …reasons completely unknown to anyone but them.

As if such a challenge is going to change the new and likely improved ownership structure at Twitter.

However, Democrats don’t count on their audiences knowing these simple facts, which is precisely why they pander to hysterical emotions and knee jerk reactions.

Just consider the nonsense spouted by the ultra-left Dean Obeidallah on the ultra-left MSNBC, both of which are suddenly concerned with legal citizenship proceedings in the wake of Musk’s purchase of Twitter.

“As a lawyer, I’m going to do research to see if @elonmusk in any way lied on his application for US citizenship,” Obeidallah announced pompously, “I’ll be making a FOIA request for his immigration application. If he lied anywhere on application, we will move to strip him of US citizenship. Stay tuned.”

Oh really? How about that. And what, exactly, is Obeidallah seeking to achieve in doing so?

A whole bunch of noise and ultimately a whole bunch of nothing.

The essential foundation of the Democrat platform.

“I formally made a request via FOIA today for Elon Musk’s immigration application documents. I will let you know what I hear back. The application may be 100% fine with no misinformation or lies. Then again… We will see,” the leftwing commentator added ominously.

And, in a lame attempt to justify his absurd pursuit of Musk’s citizenship, Obeidallah claimed that Musk was “anti-American.”

That’s pretty rich, coming from the party that’s offended by American flags.

“Reminder: Elon musk does NOT the love the USA. He is using us to attack each other. Is Elon Putin funded? China funded? Unclear. But he’s anti-American,” Obeidallah boomed.

At this point, his commentary has gone from the sublime to the ridiculous.

As it is certainly not “unclear” who China, Russia, and Ukraine have funded … none other than the son of President Biden.

But, by all means, focus on Musk!

Needless to say, Obeidallah was resoundingly skewered by journalists who actually have a clue, including journalist Yashar Ali.

“Some of you have truly lost the plot. Also, you can’t gain access to someone else’s immigration records without their written consent,” Ali drawled.

“As a lawyer…” the journalist added humorously, indicating the obvious lack of legal knowledge possessed by Obeidallah.

For individuals obsessed with fact checking, they could surely benefit from fact checking themselves.

Journalist Chuck Ross also had a field day with the assertions of Obeidallah, who clearly is unaware of the limits of FOIA,

“Rookie. You’re not getting that s*** through FOIA,” Ross remarked.

Attorney Ari Cohn also zinged Obeidallah with some facts of his own.

“It seems fitting that a dude who was suspended from practice for 12 years would write something this stupid and incompetent,” Cohn drawled.

No kidding.

One would think that Obeidallah would acknowledge how wildly inaccurate his public statement was, but, alas, like a classic leftist, he opted to double down on Twitter instead.

“If he consents, I will share the file. If he refuses to consent then we must ask: What is Elon hiding?!” Obeidallah exclaimed.

The irony that Obeidallah can freely insult Musk on Twitter despite Musk owning Twitter is clearly lost on him.

Obeidallah is hardly the only one launching constant attacks on Musk, with David Frum, a journalist for The Atlantic, going as far as to demand the nationalization of Musk’s private enterprise.

“It was always unreasonable, and is becoming unwise, to expect @elonmusk to provide Internet to Ukraine for free forever. Western allies should pay. And US should have a plan ready to nationalize Starlink fast if Musk cuts off Ukraine’s connection to advance his political agenda,” Frum drawled.

Oh, by all means, go full Cuba on Musk’s companies. Great plan.

Democrats are clearly addicted to disasters for the sole purpose of power grabs, as Frum beautifully, if unwittingly, illustrates.

“There’s abundant precedent for US government seizure of critical infrastructure during wars or national emergencies. Of course, reasonable compensation must be paid, per the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution,” Frum intoned.

Right. Like the “abundant precedent” that justified useless masks and lockdowns,

Radio host Jesse Kelly had a fairly witty comeback to Mr. Frum, especially since the leftist writer had to drag nation security into the dispute.

“The US should nationalize The Atlantic because David Frum and that publication are a threat to national security. If I’m ever elected, this will happen on Day 1,” Kelly drawled.

Seriously …

Author: Jane Jones

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