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“Rogue” Democrat Sends Globalists Into A Rage Over 2024 Election

While the ultra-globalist Clintons may be able to dissuade Senator Manchin from making a third-party run, they sure can’t control RFK Jr.

A fact likely to send the globalist duo into a rage, especially following reports of the Clintons’ direct interference with Manchin’s potential third-party run with No Labels.

While Manchin has apparently backed down from posing a threat to Biden, RFK Jr. has not.

On the contrary, RFK Jr. has doubled down on his presidential ambitions, succeeding in being listed as a third-party candidate on the ballot for 2024.

Those ambitions have been closely supported by American Values 2024, a super PAC that has succeeded in having the third-party candidate’s name added to ballots in Arizona and Georgia, both of which Biden desperately needs to “win” in 2024.

Of course, the mainstream media is flipping out over RFK Jr.’s run, claiming that he is “helping” Trump, despite the candidate himself stating that he is competing with Biden and Trump alike.

In a detailed press release, RFK Jr. detailed the ways in which he is likely to become a massive headache for globalists intent on putting their puppet in power again.

“Today marks the end of the primary and the beginning of the general election … Nearly 70 percent of Americans don’t want a Trump/Biden rematch from 2020. They want to vote for someone who represents hope and healing. For someone with an inspiring vision for America,” RFK Jr. proclaimed.

Well, 70 percent of Americans certainly don’t want Biden again, that’s for sure. Likely more than 70 percent.

“I look forward to taking on Presidents Biden and Trump on the issues that matter most to Americans – from making housing and health care affordable to ending the forever wars and unraveling corporate capture of our government,” RFK Jr. added.

Ironically, all of those issues are far more intensified under Biden than they were under Trump.

Housing prices, gasoline prices, and food prices have gone mad under Biden.

Multiple wars in at least two different regions have erupted under Biden.

And the Democrat-led shutdowns deeply empowered the power of Big Tech companies while harming small- and medium-sized businesses.

Little wonder that Big Tech was happy to censor stories on Hunter Biden before the 2020 elections in exchange for such government empowerment.

So, while RFK Jr. may technically threaten Biden and Trump, it’s rather clear that Biden has a heck of a lot more to worry about.

Which is likely why he attacked Trump throughout the duration of his entire State of the Union address.

“Like the Founding Fathers declared their independence from the crown more than two centuries ago, today we declare our independence from the corrupting influence of Wall Street and corporate donors that have rigged our economy for the few at the expense of the many,” RFK Jr. continued.

In other words, the globalists who want Obama in power for a “fourth term.”

Though such globalists, including the Clintons, are likely displeased by a “rogue” Democrat that poses a direct threat to their puppet in power.

Indeed, a Kennedy source proudly weighed in on the third-party candidate and his potential to shake up the system.

“He’s a rogue punk rocker of the political system,” a Kennedy source proudly declared.

Indeed, he is.

And that “rogue punk rocker” is ironically aided and abetted by so-called “Squad” members working against Biden, in particular Representatives Tlaib and Omar, who are enraged by Biden’s support of Israel.

As a result of the angered “Squad,” at least one of whom publicly voted against Biden in the recent primary elections, the president also faces threats from the Arab-led “Abandon Biden” movement.

Indeed, Biden lost to “uncommitted” in Dearborn, Michigan. Across the entire state, more than 101,000 ballots were cast from “uncommitted” voters.

With the addition of “rogue punk rocker” RFK Jr., the globalists have even more to worry about with their selected puppet and his 2024 prospects.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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