While Biden’s COVID diagnosis has captured headlines and given the Biden team an excuse to cancel a rally, a series of other diseases are troublingly multiplying across the nation.
Thanks to illegal migration.
Indeed, it appears that sanctuary cities are doing their part to steadily destabilize the nation in more ways than one.
In particular with the mass importation of diseases from illegals, some of which had been previously eradicated through public vaccination campaigns.
One such disease includes measles, which was theoretically eliminated in 2000.
“Measles is still a problem globally. It was ‘eliminated’ from the U.S. back in 2000, actually, which meant that we no longer had ongoing transmission in the [United States], but we still see cases that are introduced and outbreaks that occur here,” declared Dr. Larry Madoff, who serves with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
And, given that the entire state of Massachusetts is apparently a “sanctuary state,” it is no surprise that the first case of measles in years has now emerged in the state.
Seems Dems are apparently willing to pitch public health out the window, especially if they can get a few more votes from their so-called “newcomers.”
It’s not only measles that’s a problem, but also tuberculosis – as detailed in another recent news report, tuberculosis is now a problem in San Diego.
As the entire state of California has shielded millions of illegals, it’s no surprise diseases are emerging on the West Coast as well.
Not to mention the center of the nation.
A separate report from Fox 32 notes that the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) claimed that a “small number” of tuberculosis cases had broken out across “a few different shelters” in the city.
The majority of the infections is allegedly concentrated in the Pilsen migrant shelter on Halsted Street.
“CDPH is aware of a small number of cases of TB among new arrivals in a few different shelters over the course of the response,” the CDPH admitted.
Is that so?
Funny how the government was super precise about the number of deaths due to COVID, yet now it claims that just “a small number” of illegals have brought TB into the country.
What’s even funnier is this “small number” of TB cases comes on the heels of multiple measles cases, a disease that had long since been eradicated in the United States.
Until the arrival of Biden’s “newcomers,” otherwise known as illegals to anyone else halfway sane.
“It is important to note that an estimated 10-20% of residents of Central and South America have latent TB infection, which is asymptomatic and not transmissible to others, but does result in a positive TB test. For those who do have active cases of TB disease, CDPH assigns a nurse case manager to each individual and performs a contact tracing investigation,” the CDPH declared.
You don’t say!
And as many of these sanctuary cities serve as major aviation hubs for the rest of the nation, it should come as no surprise that illnesses may well spread all over the place as a result.
“Not everyone who acquires TB will develop an active infection. A percentage or folks will actually develop what we call a latent infection. But that latent TB can then reactivate to become active TB at some point in the future … They can still receive anti-TB therapy to make sure that latent infection is fully eradicated,” Hazra asserted.
Well, that’s just wonderful! In other words, illegal migrants are filled with “latent” infections that may well become “reactivated” after crossing the border, just in time to place additional strain on the nation’s ailing healthcare resources.
“There is no effective vaccine against tuberculosis,” Hazra added helpfully.
Well, Biden’s Big Pharma buddies will probably take care of that in short order.
Maybe Big Pharma could even “bundle” COVID and TB vaccines and “boosters” together to combat Bidenflation!
While Big Pharma and public health authorities spin their wheels, others are calling out the calamity for exactly what it is, including Chicago Alderman Raymond Lopez.
“Performative politics [and] hurt feelings kept City Hall from avoiding the obvious looming disaster. Anyone who demanded action to protect our residents was called racist, xenophobic, and anti-immigrant by fringe politicians. And now here we are: measles, now tuberculosis both ‘confirmed’ in Chicago. Shame on every mouthpiece that worked so hard to keep this secret,” Lopez remarked flatly.
Especially a secret so critical to public health.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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