Top presidential GOP candidate Donald Trump has left the mainstream media fuming for a number of reasons, and one of those reasons is undoubtedly JD Vance.
After all, Vance is clearly bright, which was especially evident in his epic schooling of Comrade Kamala’s VP in the recent vice-presidential debate.
Clearly, Vance has continued to embody that same level of intellectual aptitude in dealing with mindless media lemmings, especially over contentious issues like illegal migration.
As reported by the New York Post, alongside multiple other (sane) media outlets, Vance swept the floor with a woke New York Times reporter over illegal migration.
Naturally, the New York Times reporter was clearly in favor of mass illegal migration … though, as is the case with most woke liberals, she had nothing to back it up.
“About a third of the construction workforce in this country is Hispanic. Of those, a large proportion are undocumented. So how do you propose to build all the housing necessary that we need in this country by removing all the people who are working in construction?” woke New York Times reporter Lulu Garcia-Navarro declared.
Well, Ms. Garcia-Navarro, perhaps by focusing on employment opportunities for Americans, rather than illegals, for a start.
Which Vance highlighted immediately after her moronic inquiry.
“I think that what you would do is you would take, let’s say for example, the 7 million prime-age men who have dropped out of the labor force, and you have a smaller number of women … you absolutely could re-engage folks into the American labor market,” Vance declared.
Imagine that.
And Vance really ripped into Garcia-Navarro by highlighting how illegal migrants have normalized non-livable wages, which is precisely why they’ve overtaken Americans in construction jobs, amongst others.
“People say, ‘Well, Americans won’t do those jobs,’ … Americans won’t do those jobs for below-the-table wages. They won’t do those jobs for non-living wages, but people will do those jobs,” Vance declared.
And when illegal migrants are paying zero taxes and receiving enormous government benefits, is it any wonder they work for less?
Heck, they may well make more than the average American citizen, especially if they maximize the “welfare” system.
Little wonder that Vance also identified illegal immigration as “one of the biggest drivers of inequality.”
The same “inequality” that Comrade Kamala claims to be so concerned with.
“It’s one of the biggest reasons why we have millions of people dropped out of the labor force. Why try to re-engage an American citizen in a good job if you can just import somebody from Central America who’s going to work under the table for poverty wages?” Vance declared.
Yup. With every single dollar being sent back to Central America, rather than being reinvested back in the United States.
“It is a disgrace, and it has led to the evisceration of the American middle class,” Vance proclaimed.
Frankly, Comrade Kamala and her media lapdogs can bray all they want about how “weird” Trump running mate JD Vance apparently is … because the American public is increasingly not buying what they’re selling.
The reality is that Vance, alongside most other individuals directly connected to Trump, is quite smart.
Which is especially evident in his hilarious dressing down of the woke New York Times “reporter,” who apparently thinks that the illegal migration of countless criminals should constitute the future of the United States.
With any luck, assuming that Trump has a complete blowout victory in 2024, Vance may well be next in line to drive the nation back to its real roots … carefully planted by the nation’s Founding Fathers centuries ago.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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