It’s little wonder that Biden never sees anything wrong with what he does, considering the media rarely has it any other way.
One thing is for sure: His press secretary certainly won’t have it any other way, given the number of lies that she’s issued in defense of the president.
One lie pertains to the recent border visit, wherein Biden achieved effectively nothing aside from convenient photographs.
Recently, Biden made a photo op stop at the border, where he met with President Lopez Obrador of Mexico and basically proceeded to pat himself on the back for nothing.
This view was backed up by Jean-Pierre.
“As it relates to migration, irregular migration, obviously that was a key topic of discussion. Biden discussed ways our countries can continue to work together and to address irregular migration. So that conversation certainly happened, extensively,” Jean-Pierre asserted.
Ah, that discussion in which Biden blamed Republicans for the border crisis? Is that the discussion Jean-Pierre is referring to?
Or is she referring to the discussion wherein Biden basically gloated over not building the wall at all, in spite of the fact that not doing so was directly interfering with the purse strings of Congress.
Her excuses get even worse when turning to what even CNN refers to as “sensitive compartmented information,” otherwise known as the classified documents inconveniently found in Biden’s office.
When Fox News’s Peter Doocy dared to inquire about the president’s incompetence, Jean-Pierre wasn’t having it.
“On these documents, how could anyone be that irresponsible? Isn’t that what this president said about mishandling classified documents?” Doocy remarked.
Seriously. After all, remember the raid on Trump’s residence, all of a few weeks ago?
Jean-Pierre, of course, spoke about Biden as if he did absolutely nothing wrong in terms of the documents.
“The president spoke to this personally. He believes that classified documents and information should be taken seriously. He takes them seriously. Here’s what happened when his lawyers found out that the documents were there. They immediately turned them over to the Archives,” she sniffed.
Wow. Way to read a prewritten, overly broad and vague response that, as usual, absolves Biden of any and all blame.
“But they were there in the first place,” Doocy responded in disbelief, clearly desiring to know why Biden felt the need to personally take files pertaining to Ukraine, Iran, and others.
“I’m not going to go into specifics,” Jean-Pierre snapped, “what I am reiterating to you is what you heard from the president yourself, Peter, which is how he saw the process and how he respects and truly respects and takes this very seriously.”
Of course she won’t get into “specifics,” otherwise known as the truth. That’s typical for this administration.
Trying another tactic, Doocy pressed on.
“How can President Biden be trusted moving forward with America’s secrets?” Doocy demanded.
In reality, he can’t, especially since he apparently is the “Big Guy” underpinning all his own son’s nefarious business deals with American enemies.
Which were only made possible after he became VP under the ghastly Obama administration.
That said, Jean-Pierre continued issuing whopping lie after whopping lie.
“Because his lawyers, his team did the right thing,” Jean-Pierre insisted.
Ah. Might those lawyers, by chance, be the same types of lawyers Clinton colluded with when spreading the false narrative regarding former President Donald Trump and his alleged “Russian collusion?”
The White House Press Secretary also gave CBS the runaround when a reporter asked rather reasonable questions.
“Why didn’t he or someone in the White House inform the American people when these documents were discovered on November 2 They didn’t have anything to do – because people are asking this part of it – have anything to do with the fact that the election was just a few days away?” CBS’s Ed O’Keefe inquired.
Jean-Pierre’s response was even less inspiring, as she clearly had no more prewritten notes to read.
“Again, this is under review by the Department of Justice,” she sniffed.
Right. The same Department of “Justice” that thinks conservative parents at school board meetings constitute a national security threat …
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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