Woke Mob Whips Up Massive Tax Fraud As “Reparations 2.0”

Recently, “Representative” Cori Bush, better known as the BLM activist that terrorized the couple in St. Louis outside their own home, demanded $14T in reparations for Black Americans.

That’s right: Fourteen trillion dollars.

And, since she’s a “progressive” Democrat, math may well not be Bush’s strong suit, as MarketWatch already reported the “real cost” of reparations to be at least $51M.

And that was before inflation.

Bush’s demands for trillions are even more absurd since she has since been busted for gross misuse of taxpayer funds for “personal security.”

Naturally, her “personal security” is her unlicensed husband, who has no discernible background in security.

While the wanton robbery of taxpayer funds is obviously problematic, at least Bush’s brazen criminality poked holes in her $14T ambition for so-called “reparations.”

Alas, seems that the ultra-woke mob cannot and will not give up on their demands for reparations, to the extent they’ve devised ingenious new ways to commence “Reparations 2.0.”

Now, instead of demanding money directly from the government, the woke mob is actually demanding racialized tax breaks as a means of achieving “Reparations 2.0,” per a report from the Daily Mail.

And the mob already has a celebrity proponent backing their so-called Reparations 2.0 scheme.

Actor Terrence Howard, whose salary supersedes that of many Americans, has apparently refused to pay taxes on his rather large income. And he’s done so for quite some time.

Indeed, the federal government recently hit Howard with a nearly $1M judgment in a federal tax case, which relates to upwards of $578,000 in unpaid taxes that Howard deliberately avoided from 2010 to 2019.

According to Howard, he elected to skip out on tax payments for nearly a decade because it is apparently “immoral,” in his view, for the government to levy taxes on apparent “descendants of slaves.”

“Four hundred years of forced labor and never receiving any compensation for it … Now, you have the gall to try and prosecute and charge taxes to the descendants of a broken people that you are responsible for causing the breakage …

In truth, the entire United States should, by default, become the property of the descendants of slaves. But since you do not have the ability [or] the courage to do it, let’s try this in court. … We’re gonna bring you down,” Howard raged.


Talk about a total and complete absence of self-awareness, not to mention the most basic elements of integrity and accountability.

Moreover, talk about typical liberal logic. Make an undeserved fortune as a so-called “entertainer,” who does little more than indoctrinate American youth, only to wheel around and claim they won’t pay any taxes because of their ancestors.

For any other American, such defiance would be considered criminal. For actors who identify as black, it’s apparently “activism.”

Speaking of which, the Dems may get themselves into a real pickle with race wars, as they not only condone self-identification as any gender, but also any race, per official California policy.

“In the name of diversity and inclusion, a California legislator wants to expand the number of racial, ethnic, and gender categories people can self-identity as even if those categories don’t match reality …

Currently, California corporations have to make sure they hire a sufficient number of principal executives that self-identify as coming from ‘underrepresented’ communities. That includes people who self-identify as Black, African American, Hispanic, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander, Native American, Native Hawaiian, Alaska Native, gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. A person doesn’t actually need to be Hispanic or Black or any of the other categories. They just have to say they identify that way,” California Family Council reports.

How about that.

Sounds like the hordes of men that recently identified as “non-binary” and crashed a Big Tech event ostensibly designed for women.

If racialized tax legislation ever becomes a real thing, which is a very real possibility under a potential “fourth term” with Obama, who wants to bet that quite a few Americans would be tempted to “identify as black” just to get a tax break, much in the same ways guys decide to “identify as female” to become a sports “start?”

Then again, Senator Elizabeth Warren is already a trailblazer in that regard, becoming the apparent first person of “color” to serve on the faculty of Harvard Law School.

The same university, not so coincidentally, that apparently churns out hate-filled graduates incapable of critical thought but more than capable of checking multiple DEI checkboxes.

Author: Jane Jones

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