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Arab Americans Launch “Abandon Biden” Coalition

Gotta love it when the most virulent members of Congress inadvertently give Trump an (indirect) helping hand.

Indeed, it appears that the generally useless “Squad” has some use value after all – By directing their rage against Biden, they are inevitably helping bolster Trump’s rapidly escalating popularity.

And one of the most rage-filled members of all includes none other than Rashida Tlaib, whose entire Congressional career has revolved around defunding the police, empowering terrorists, and now, apparently, encouraging Arab Americans and others to not vote for Biden.

“This is the way you can raise our voices … Right now, we feel completely neglected and just unseen by our government. If you want us to be louder, then come here and vote uncommitted,” Tlaib blared.

Well then. Way to make even more Americans “uncommitted” to Biden, as if his own disastrous policies haven’t done that already.

Conservative Americans, who are more than eager to take back their country, surely won’t stand in the way of Tlaib’s total bombast.

One would think the rather deranged representative would focus her efforts on attacking Biden after Biden is elected again in 2024 … After all, the “Squad” has long been obsessed with taking down Trump more than anything.

By currently fighting against Biden, they are all but guaranteeing a greater chance of victory for Trump.

That said, the “Squad” is hardly known for its meticulous planning and foresight, much to the glee of Americans who are in a prime position to observe the Dems’ ever-widening, internecine conflict.

“[The goal is] create a voting bloc, something that is a bullhorn to say enough is enough. We don’t want a country that supports wars and bombs and destruction. We want to support life,” Tlaib boomed.

By all means, keep at it with your “bullhorn” Ms. Tlaib. All that bullhorn is doing is driving more individuals away from Biden, which by default empowers Trump.

Win, win!

And Ms. Tlaib’s call has already been taken seriously by more than one leader in the Arab American community.

Abdullah Hammoud, the mayor of Dearborn, has weighed in on what he perceives to be Biden’s disastrous legacy in foreign policy.

“My greatest fear is that Mr. Biden will not be remembered as the president who saved American democracy in 2020 but rather as the president who sacrificed it for Benjamin Netanyahu in 2024,” Hammoud intoned.

Other Arab Americans have become even more outspoken. In fact, they have even launched a new coalition: “The Abandon Biden” coalition.

According to a report from The Hill, this new movement is apparently fixated on showing Biden how angry the wokest of woke are over his foreign policies.

Conveniently, that movement happens to be taking the greatest hold in states that Biden cannot afford to lose, including Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

“The Abandon Biden movement is focused on withholding votes from Biden in primaries in battleground states including Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, and Florida to empower pro-Palestine Americans to protest via ballot box,” the outlet noted.

With the exception of Minnesota, Trump won every single one of the states listed in 2016. How convenient that the “Abandon Biden” movement is targeting those states.

Hassan Abdel Salam, a member of the Abandon Biden National Coalition, has been especially outspoken against Biden, with the mainstream media conveniently lapping up all his anger.

“He’s got to do the right thing for the party and for … the country itself, and he should step down as soon as possible,” Salam raged.

Well, more than one American would have no problem with Biden stepping down … Except that would put Kamala in power.

At this point, probably best to wait for a red tsunami in 2024.

“He’s deeply toxic, and we will never ever support him. He can’t do anything for us to support him. No one can tolerate a policy of death that lasts this long; people have to be held to account,” Salam continued.

Just to be clear, Salam is referring to Biden as “deeply toxic.” Not Trump.

In fact, Salam’s commentary on Trump is decidedly more neutral, relative to his rage against Biden.

“We found the previous president distasteful … He previous president prevented our family and our friends and our colleagues from entering the country. But Mr. Biden killed them,” Salam raged.

Wow. Talk about one of the most powerful, albeit indirect, endorsements yet.

Perhaps Trump should consider incorporating some of Salam’s commentary in his own advertisements, which will further solidify the “Abandon Biden” movement on a grand scale.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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